"Transcript for our group for those not able to live stream" - unedited version (to be updated soon)
"The only moment that matters is NOW". - Live stream - 26 May 2014
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This video is available for one week after date of live stream.
Themes : OF ALL THE WORK - how to bring conscousness in our life.
We are far greater than anything.
Each night you return to the manifested self and come back int the morning.
The awakening and the return moment - you start with outward movement going into adolescence, get experinces, possessions, fear, expand. it varies from person to person.
Then when body is not strong, eg people begin to die in your life, another movement comes into point. The firmst moment is called the disolutional form.
We dont like talking about the last moment. We fear the old age and try everying to look younger.
This is the time the spiritual moment arrives, when things become shaky, spiritual moments comes to mind. You consciously go back to spirituality. Shaky... you go back to the source of where you come from - within. The outging and the return. We are more interested in accumulating, being successful and know little about the returning movement. It is the awakening of the spirit, illuminiscent people become. Old age is the acceptance, can be of this moment.
"Transcript for our group for those not able to live stream" - unedited version (to be updated soon)
"The only moment that matters is NOW". - Live stream - 26 May 2014
Watch the video:
This video is available for one week after date of live stream.
Themes : OF ALL THE WORK - how to bring conscousness in our life.
We are far greater than anything.
Each night you return to the manifested self and come back int the morning.
The awakening and the return moment - you start with outward movement going into adolescence, get experinces, possessions, fear, expand. it varies from person to person.
Then when body is not strong, eg people begin to die in your life, another movement comes into point. The firmst moment is called the disolutional form.
We dont like talking about the last moment. We fear the old age and try everying to look younger.
This is the time the spiritual moment arrives, when things become shaky, spiritual moments comes to mind. You consciously go back to spirituality. Shaky... you go back to the source of where you come from - within. The outging and the return. We are more interested in accumulating, being successful and know little about the returning movement. It is the awakening of the spirit, illuminiscent people become. Old age is the acceptance, can be of this moment.
Finding your life purpose - Final Episode - Chapter 10 of A New Earth by Echkart Tolle.
Finding your lives purpose - Final Episode - Chapter 10 of A New Earth by Echkart Tolle. - live stream recording on OWN.
Life skill 2
Unless you are are having acceptance, enjoying or having enthusiasm, you should stop what you are doing as you are not aligned with the present moment, with yourself and life. You make yourself unhappy and others get unhappy as well, its like a disease spreading.
Alignment of your inner purpose should align with the outer purpose. Acceptance, enjoyment and enthuthism are the keyy. If not in this state look closely and you wil lfind
Whne doing something, observe peole and see how they are in disharmonty as they are not in acceptance, enjoment or enthuthism of what they are doing. You may not enjoy, but accept eg changing a tyre, do without resistance, those that you dont like. if like you dot like your boss, thing of how you can chnge that. accept the present moment. ask am i able to accept this... annoyed, exhasute... change your attitutde, frequency or you will affect everything else you do. shift your attitude, and accept the wrog you have made instead of blamig other. and then you affect everyoe else. Success depends on what energy flows. change if not enjoying, change your mood , accept or stop doing it. remove yourself , dont bring negative energy to this world.
somethings are eassier to do in enjoyment - things you liek doing, it flows, it is the begining of creativity. and it manifests joy. people are trappend waiting fo rsomething to come to life to give them joy and sence of life, find it in what you are doing tht you enjoy.
p298 - joy flow into what you do not from wht you do. people are frustrated as dont enjoy what they do. it shojld be from the lifeness of what they are dong.
Enthuthiasim - energy biger than you are, creative comes into the world. it is apowerful frequency, connected with th source. it is not the wild, it is the one born with consciousnciess, not lek going to a swing, thats excitement used as substitue of being by mandy. body looks for this one. eg from media, film etc the
acceptance - shifts into enjoument and also into enthuthiasm. if you realise you resent someting accept and you gthen begin to enjou wht you do.
if you are 100% present, you start enjoying wht you are doing.
If you thing something elso ont in the presence will bring you power it will not.
whatever goal you have, or vision, must comen from the place of being conscousness nad not , then it comes through you and into the world instead of this is wht i want for myself.
you have to feel frominsdee this is what i was menat to be doing, it brings fruition
it is how you do that matters. you nee dto honor wht you are doing now comjpleteley as osmething might arise from . each step can lead you to the direction. it is the means not the end that matters.
Question on other peoples anger -
Anger - acceptance this is how it is and this is what is, dont argue with it, doesnt mean you condone, it is accptance of what is, then you see, it is bad, you get into compassion and see these peole are unconscious and dont know what they are doing. they re suffering and inflicting onother humand, on nature, onform its manifestation of spritiual unconscouslness, ego. have compassion for those controlled by ego and acting unconscously.
you begin to change the world by changing yourslef. we are bringing a new energy in the world. if everyone did so it would be deminsed. we hace to do what we have to do. you get overwheldmed byafrican problems and you focus on what you can have an impact on as well as you can.
If you come across the pain body you still have to go back and work on it. crisis etc, dont wait, choose presence in your daily life. check what is yr relatinsip with this moemnt. is it freindly or dysfucntional it tells you everyigng. if riendly acceptig it will manifest that if dysfunctiona the future will manifest that.
Challenges happens, but no need to translate and dwelling onthem mentally if you cant change them. worry is problem making. bring conscousness to your life. you bring in and allow the spirit of God to floow thrugh you. not the litle me you are connectingyourself with the superior higher source.
Great great conversation. please escuse the errors, tired now i hae to get into the moment and rest, correctons tomorrow.... Share the lifeskills you have learned from this conversation, here or on behavourmodification or or on www.counsellingservicesinkenya
Find full episodes from tommorow on www.counsellingservicesinkenya
All courtesy of Eckhart Tolle author of A New Earth on OWN networks.
Life skill 2
Unless you are are having acceptance, enjoying or having enthusiasm, you should stop what you are doing as you are not aligned with the present moment, with yourself and life. You make yourself unhappy and others get unhappy as well, its like a disease spreading.
Alignment of your inner purpose should align with the outer purpose. Acceptance, enjoyment and enthuthism are the keyy. If not in this state look closely and you wil lfind
Whne doing something, observe peole and see how they are in disharmonty as they are not in acceptance, enjoment or enthuthism of what they are doing. You may not enjoy, but accept eg changing a tyre, do without resistance, those that you dont like. if like you dot like your boss, thing of how you can chnge that. accept the present moment. ask am i able to accept this... annoyed, exhasute... change your attitutde, frequency or you will affect everything else you do. shift your attitude, and accept the wrog you have made instead of blamig other. and then you affect everyoe else. Success depends on what energy flows. change if not enjoying, change your mood , accept or stop doing it. remove yourself , dont bring negative energy to this world.
somethings are eassier to do in enjoyment - things you liek doing, it flows, it is the begining of creativity. and it manifests joy. people are trappend waiting fo rsomething to come to life to give them joy and sence of life, find it in what you are doing tht you enjoy.
p298 - joy flow into what you do not from wht you do. people are frustrated as dont enjoy what they do. it shojld be from the lifeness of what they are dong.
Enthuthiasim - energy biger than you are, creative comes into the world. it is apowerful frequency, connected with th source. it is not the wild, it is the one born with consciousnciess, not lek going to a swing, thats excitement used as substitue of being by mandy. body looks for this one. eg from media, film etc the
acceptance - shifts into enjoument and also into enthuthiasm. if you realise you resent someting accept and you gthen begin to enjou wht you do.
if you are 100% present, you start enjoying wht you are doing.
If you thing something elso ont in the presence will bring you power it will not.
whatever goal you have, or vision, must comen from the place of being conscousness nad not , then it comes through you and into the world instead of this is wht i want for myself.
you have to feel frominsdee this is what i was menat to be doing, it brings fruition
it is how you do that matters. you nee dto honor wht you are doing now comjpleteley as osmething might arise from . each step can lead you to the direction. it is the means not the end that matters.
Question on other peoples anger -
Anger - acceptance this is how it is and this is what is, dont argue with it, doesnt mean you condone, it is accptance of what is, then you see, it is bad, you get into compassion and see these peole are unconscious and dont know what they are doing. they re suffering and inflicting onother humand, on nature, onform its manifestation of spritiual unconscouslness, ego. have compassion for those controlled by ego and acting unconscously.
you begin to change the world by changing yourslef. we are bringing a new energy in the world. if everyone did so it would be deminsed. we hace to do what we have to do. you get overwheldmed byafrican problems and you focus on what you can have an impact on as well as you can.
If you come across the pain body you still have to go back and work on it. crisis etc, dont wait, choose presence in your daily life. check what is yr relatinsip with this moemnt. is it freindly or dysfucntional it tells you everyigng. if riendly acceptig it will manifest that if dysfunctiona the future will manifest that.
Challenges happens, but no need to translate and dwelling onthem mentally if you cant change them. worry is problem making. bring conscousness to your life. you bring in and allow the spirit of God to floow thrugh you. not the litle me you are connectingyourself with the superior higher source.
Great great conversation. please escuse the errors, tired now i hae to get into the moment and rest, correctons tomorrow.... Share the lifeskills you have learned from this conversation, here or on
Find full episodes from tommorow on www.counsellingservicesinkenya
All courtesy of Eckhart Tolle author of A New Earth on OWN networks.