Day 3 – Test You Tuesday

You Tuesday Instructions
Today is #TotalFit Challenge Day 3
and again I have enlisted the help of my FitFamily, the “Nutritionista” Monica
Parodi, and @FitBoxMealsAtl. The “Go Green” Nutrition Challenge requires you
two eat Green Veggies with a minimum of 3 meals or snacks today. DO NOT TAKE
this challenge lightly…
We also have created “Test You
Tuesday” which requires you to do three exercises, and you have “Late Night
Abs” before you go to sleep. Remember todays Morning Motivation. Time to go
#EatcCean, “Go Green”, then tackle today’s workouts!

Proper Nutrition is the key to any
healthy lifestyle plan, which is why today is a “Go Green” nutrition challenge.
A lot of you asked for a Grocery List, so we prepared one with the help of
@FitBoxMeals. Click the button below to download your healthy Grocery List.
Now, go get the details of today’s
nutrition Challenge. Take it away Monica!
“Go Green” Nutrition Challenge | @monica_parodi

So FitFamily what do I have for you
today? Let’s Go GREEN!
Nutrient Dense Food! What does
that mean? It means the food is packed with tons of nutrients, vitamins,
minerals and everything we need to thrive but does NOT have a lot of calories.
Greens are nutrient dense, low-fat and LOW-CALORIE. A cup of
spinach is 7 calories and a cup of kale is 33 calories. I promise you
won’t gain weight eating greens.
There is no drug, no surgery and no supplement that can get your digestive system on track as easily and effectively as dark green leafy vegetables. Here are some more benefits of adding greens to your diet:
- Boosts Energy
- Helps Control Hunger
- Adds lots of fiber, a nutrient needed for weight loss
- Keeps you full longer
- Lowers blood pressure
- Lowers risk of heart disease
- Reduces bloating and digestive problems
Please don’t skip this part of the
challenge. YOU CAN DO IT! I used to hate greens. I think the only
thing green I ate was lettuce on a Big Mac. I even picked out the green
skittles. Change is possible. My favorite thing to eat now is
greens. They are the foundation of my personal nutrition and I just feel
“off” without lots of greens daily. Think of the benefits, keep trying
new greens and your tastes will change as your nutrition and fitness improves.
*Remember: Your “Go Green” Nutrition Challenge requires that
today you eat Green Veggies with a minimum of 3 meals or snacks. Here are
some green recipes to try tonight or in the future. Let’s Go Green, Baby!
Now it’s time to sweat and for you
to #ShutUpAndTrain!!
“Test You Tuesday” Workout
For today’s fitness challenge, we
are testing to see where you are. Throughout the challenge you will enjoy
seeing your progress and improvement with your times and reps. Here are the 3
exercises you will complete:
1) 1 Mile Run/walk/jog
2) Max Reps Pushups (1min)
3) Core Plank (2Xs hold as long as you can).
2) Max Reps Pushups (1min)
3) Core Plank (2Xs hold as long as you can).
1-Mile Run, jog (walk if you must) as fast as you can.

Do as many pushups as possible in 1 Min

Hold your core plank as long as you can (do it twice, record your best time)

Great job completing today’s
workout! Remember to post your times and number of reps w/ the hashtag #TotalFit
and #TestYouTuesday

Don’t forget Part 3 of today’s
challenge below…
Late Night Abs
Before you go to bed tonight I want
you to get you motor going and work on your core muscles. Do these Ab Exercises
no more than 2 hours before you go to bed, and below are the rep counts for
each fitness level…

Bicycle Sit-Ups

Toe Touches

Great job completing your Late Night
Abs workout!
How was your 3rd day?? Tag me
and let me know on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest & Twitter…

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