What is stress?
Definition 1
Stress is the individuals
perception that demand is greater than the ability to cope.
where perception is:- how you receive and understand information
- your imagination, your views and
- how you interpret, and think
Definition 2
Stress can also be defined as the balance between how
we view demands (that we face) and how we think we can cope with those demand. It determine
whether we feel no stress, distressed or eustressed (motivational - good stress).
In other words, it is a mismatch between perceived
demands and perceived ability to cope.
Definition 3
The third definition of Stress may be defined as
"a state of psychological and / or physiological (physical) imbalance resulting from
the disparity between a situational demand and the individuals ability and / or
motivation to meet those demands." Meaning the cause here could be many causes, both psychological and physical. (combined causes psycho-somatisation).