Here is the transcript of todays livestream of finding your life purpose by John Mackey on OWN. (realtime, excuse the errors)......

live realtime transcript ...

"John Mackey of Whole Foods store's father asked him to go back to school and complete college, but he wanted to do grocery instead. The mum died sad and she thought the son was a failure, but he wishes he had told her why. He knew in his heart that is what he wanted to do. He followed his bliss against his friends, parents like most people are afraid to do. "find your truth, your wisdom..."

He left the safety everyone thought was and followed his mind.

 Lifeskill 2 .. continues.. (realtime transcript, please escuse the errors)

When faced with a flood in his store, he realised they were no better than other firms. Its one of the largest stores inthe world and listed in fortune margazine. 

No one gets out of here alife so how are you going to live it..

It has a great reputation for quality at affordable cost that everyone can afford. He has found his purpose in life and the qsts we have to ask are what do we care about the most, what are we most passionate about, what gets us up in the morning, what makes us dream. they give us answers to our purpose.

He vowed to do only things he wanted to do at age 19.   Got no degree and only did only what he really wanted to. Hence he had control of his life. He formed his own path and got conscious of death very early in life. He knows we ar just passing here, we should enjoyu the beauty but cant stay here. life is too short so what is your purpose here?

Day born and day you discover why you were born not the day you ou die or your marriage are the most importnat in your life.

 Lifeskill 3... continues..

As a CEO you have an ethical obligation to be self conscious to help the growth of your followers. It gives everyone permission to do the same.

Cost capitalism - business can be a good course for good.  but is is done unconsciously and hence does not reach its highest potential. 

"Crack you heart open and let others flow through..." Vulnerability is a good strengh. It is good in leadership as when we are vulnerable we are authentic. Leaders are humans and not perfect. If you are above people you hold everyone back and they dont grow.

Spiritual intelligence - you can tell one has by, it has to do with people having a high purpose and recognising purpose. Some naturally see purpose and it has to do with truth, beauty, health and goodness. These are the qualities that reconise? in the world. Another indicator is high sense of ethics - what is right and people are clear about it.

Love in his book - he says it is time love to come out of the corporate closet.

How do you rate your spiritual intelligence?   

 How has your spiritial life informed you.  I dont want to be separated.  His daily practice is yoga, meditation, inside meditation, conscious in the moment.  

 Lifeskill 4... continues...

Spiritual intelligence - His work is part of his spirituality. His wife is a yoga teacher and he meditates 20 minutes a day. He get present in the moment and is not caught in the mind chatter and being aware of what happens internally is his main practice he does daily as a spiritually practice. Be present in the present moment is all meditation is about. When you forget the practice you just come back.. we dance, to ride a bike we discipline our minds and it gets better. same should be with our spirituality.

Nature has a rhythm, so when out there you body scychoronises with life. eg hiking one is away from business and enjoys nature and new ideas and cretivity comes in and comes from.

Love is in the corporate closet. It is competitive out there.  

LOVE IS mentioned over 100 times in the book.

Love is  hidden in the corporate closet.  It is seen as weak.  In reality it is killer be killed and if you don’t do what is necessary you fail.  This is out of date.  We live in a community of love and love is what connects even an organization together.

What makes a great entrepreneur?   There is a certain type of entrepreneur.

A great entrepreneur – is a highly creative.  They see opportunities, see something is missing, can see that what is missing is something that will create value for others, I wish this existed, they have a passion or dream to realize for the world, are highly creative dreamers and go and make their dreams happen. They are dream creators.

Life is short, answere the call.

Love is mentioned 100 times in his book. What has love got to do with business. It is the idealistic source, it is a competitive world. These metaphors are out of date. we are living in a complex world of relationships, teamworks and familieis. love is what connects a family, organisation together.

Lifeskill 5........Why are we here? John Mackay answers.... ?

We are here to love, we need to go to the high consciousness of love to heal the world, the family, the community and the world. 

Photo: John Mackey served up the questions, now it's time for you to answer!

"We need to wake up and be more loving,
Success is fulfilling you higher purpose in life.
Your soul if feed by loving and being loved by oher poeple..."

Sould is the deep essense of who we are.  God is the creative force that lies upon all that is.  
when are you at peace - when with wife and a place upcountry.  

lesson taking him the longest to learn -  not yet learned - we are powerful beings and we reap out in ways we are not conscious and we have a responsiblitil not to hurt people.  learning to  be kind and gentle and not harm people with his actions and love people 100% of times.  

Tells God.....  Please speak through me today so that I may realise your purpose....

Why are we here/purpose of humanm expereine - to wake up and manifest love, we need to leave and not destroy this place.  we need to go to the high conscience of love and heal our families, societies etc.

The world need to wake up and be more loving...
Success is fulfiling your higher pupose in life
Loving and being loved by other people feeds my soul.
He knows the world is a mystery and a beautiful place.

 Full episode is availble here for one week from 8 June 2014



Empowering Parents


What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16

MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience

"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Good. Fr . Raniero,

(Pope Francis, Holy Thursday,
24 March 2016)

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