Reflection Journal = Day 11 on Living Kindness (Expanding your happiness)
Day 11

Living Kindness

Kindness expresses the gentleness of the soul.

Om Mitraya

I am kind and friendly to all.

Day 11 - Living Kindness

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.”
― Lao Tzu
Kindness is the gracious gesture of a loving heart. Genuine kindness can’t be faked or forced. It must come straight from one’s center of being. It is the soul’s recognition that another person deserves the same love you give yourself. Kindness bridges our isolated individuality and shows us we are connected at our core. This is how our happiness expands beyond our ego boundaries and transforms our sense of self.
Meditation today will enliven our core of love and encourage its movement out into our lives as kindness and joy. Every loving gesture is an expansion of our happiness.

Day 11 - Living Kindness
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Question 1 of 4
Identify and write your plan for a kind act you can do for yourself today. Maybe it’s getting a foot massage, or buying yourself a bouquet of flowers. Whatever it is, make sure you offer it to yourself consciously, and with a full heart. 

Day 11 - Living Kindness
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Question 2 of 4
Consider, and write a plan to share an act of kindness today with someone you love. Personalize it so they know you thought about it. It doesn’t have to be a gift, it can be a thoughtful comment or gesture. 

Day 11 - Living Kindness
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Question 3 of 4
Write down how you can share an act of kindness with a complete stranger today. You can let the opportunity present itself spontaneously as you wait in line at the cafĂ© or while driving to work. Again, it doesn’t need to be a grand gesture, an understanding smile or letting someone into your lane are all easy acts of kindness. The important part is being alert to that opportunity to show kindness. 

Day 11 - Living Kindness
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Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

courtesy - Own Network & Deepak Free shared meditation
24 August 2014


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