Day 4 :: Bodyweight Boot Camp #WorkoutWednesday


Today is Day 4, of the #TotalFit Challenge and you are about to get what you’ve been asking for….a #ShutUpAndTrain session and I have a Bonus Motivational Music Mixtape! We also have a fun Social Photo Contest, and I can’t wait to see you all getting active. OK, let’s go!

Bonus: Motivational Music Mixtape (Powered by: #KillCliff)

Wouldn’t you agree Good music makes everything better.. Click the artwork to download, and be sure to give a shout to @DjToure & @DjArkitek for blessing us with the tunes…. And thanks to our Sponsor KillCliff!

DOWNLOAD  Powered by: #KillCliff

Social Media Photo Contest

For today’s Social Photo Contest, have your partner take a photo of you doing today’s exercise and post w/ hastags #TotalFit  #WorkoutWednesday  #KillCliff
Share Your Photos

Bodyweight Boot Camp | #WorkoutWednesday

@Mrshutupandtrain w/ guest trainer Rachel Elizabeth Murray @CauseFitness
I must admit, The TotalFit Body Weight Bootcamp w/ my West Coast FitFam Rachel Elizabeth Murray is a beast of a workout. All I ask is that you give it a try. If you can’t complete the entire workout, pick a few of the exercises and give them a go! Remember, the only workout that you’ll ever regret is the one that you don’t do!!
Watch the video and see the screenshots below. Let’s get into it!!
*Correction: My apologies, in the video at the :50 sec mark, there is a slight error. The correct rep set count is listed below:


5 exercises 20 reps of each exercise

1) Body Weight Squats

body weight squats

2) Lateral Shuffles

lateral shuffles

3)  Wood Chops

wood chops

4) High Knees

high knees

5) Butt Kickers

butt kickers
Now that you’re warm, let’s get into the workout… This is a tough workout, you may want to start with the beginner level. Let’s #ShutUpandTrain!
*Correction: In the video at the :50 sec mark, there is a slight error. The correct rep set count should be:
Beginners 3 rounds w/ 10 reps of each exercise
Intermediate 4 rounds w/ 20 reps of each exercise
Advanced 5 rounds w/ 30 reps of each exercise

1) Burpees (total body)


2) Crawl Down Pushups w/ Travel Step (chest & core)

crawl down push-ups w/ travel step

3) Squat/Squat Jump (legs/plyo)

squat then squat-jump

4) Spider Man Plank (core)

spider-man plank

5) Diving Dog (core/shoulders/triceps)

diving dog
Today was tough, Great Job if you completed the workout!!
Remember to drink plenty of water and rehydrate. Remember to continue eating clean and sticking to the rules. Til tomorrow…
Share and #LetsGetTheWorldHealthy
source: - dated accessed 24 September 2014


Empowering Parents

Raising Happiness

Greater Good In Brief


What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16

MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience

"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Good. Fr . Raniero,

(Pope Francis, Holy Thursday,
24 March 2016)

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Dr Creflo Dollar - Live Streaming Event