on 26 October 2014 – Live global simulcast.

“On Christmas Day 2011, a fire took the lives of Madonna Badger's parents and three daughters. Oprah speaks with Madonna about finding strength in the wake of the unthinkable and forging a spiritual connection to her children even after their tragic deaths”. Own network

Interview  – None verbatim:

“I think about you and your family and how do you make it, that is to wake up after the tragedy - As she has learned to walk after the tragedy.

She had a Ted  talk where the topic was - resilience to young girls.   One girl was unable to get out of bed and had gone to therapists and this was the best advise she got and got out of bed.  I got get up X3 and I stand up coz I cannot think out my way out of that but just had to get out of it.”

She kept asking herself why didn’t she die and she felt at time, why didn’t she die with her family.  She wanted to die so many times in order to be with them.  Doctors would listen to her and start crying.   They were afraid she would kill herself.  Bus Madonna says we don’t have the choice of when we die.

Oprah  - can you take us back to that morning when you woke up and smelled the smoke as neighbours watched you crying “my children are there  - as her house burned out.  She was taken off the roof by ladders and thought her family would also come out alive.  Her dad was head of fire department and his job was to train fire fighters and if anyone knew what to do was her father.

She let other people love her was the supper hero’s journey for her recovery

Show break chat with other spiritual teachers:
How do you keep inner peace with problems of ebola in our lives.  Deepak = there is more danger on the highway than these statistics.  If you obsess over it you might attract it.  Go to gratitude and be thankful for all you have.  I nyza – God didn’t bring me this far to fail me.  Williamson: - One person was calm and the other disturbured and the other asked how can you be so calm, she said am at work,  and asked again - how will you behave when under attack and she said Hopefully WITH DIGNITY, LET ME BEHAVE WITH DIGNITY AND NOT PANIC ABOUT SOME THING I CANOT CHANGE, TO GO WITH GRACE AND LET GO ANYTHING OFF AYTHING I cant do anything about.   Thre is what can you control and what you can’t control do not worry about - use yr energy and celebrate  this day and spend you energy and do the right thing.  Be wary of the fear mongers.  There are lots of bad things happening in the world and the new is focusing on it as they believe that have your attention on it and don’t repeat it repeat it all over and all over be wary and discern what is the truth as people want to sell you news.

Back to the interview:

How did she put herself together?  “No one knew what to say to her.  She went to her friend and she was  send to a rehab facility.  And neither did they know how to treat her.  Her friend went and got her from the rehab It was as the Psychiatrist Univesity, that they explained her grief in a way that made sense.  He said ok you are not crazy. HE SAID SHE IS REALLY SAD AND EXPLAINED WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO HER LIKE NO ONE ELSE HAD.  THE MOTHER CHILD BOND IS SO HUGE ITS LIKE NERVES CONNECTION -  EMOTIONAL NERVES VIBRATIONAL CONNECTION.  THERE IS  ENERGETIC MAGNETIC CONNECTION WHICH GOT CUT IN THREE PLACES. BETWEEN HER AND HER MUM. HER DAD AND WITH HER CHILDREN.   SO AND THE RAW NERVE WOULD GET LITTLE LAYER OF SKIN SLOWLY AND SHE COULD THEN GO ON AND LIVE IN THE WORLD.

That is a profound description that changed everything and gave her hope.  When you feel like you have been severed and have a loss you can’t explain to yourself. This is a nice analogy, that she has lived and she now knows she has some more skin.  The development comes from love shown by people and  by her letting other people love her and take care of her and time certainly was a healing factor.  You learn how to live better.  She doesn’t nerve herself e.g drinking  - those are the things that don’t help at all and don’t allow the skin to heal, you have to feel the pain to heal.  It’s about knowing you cant out run your  pain by doing things is a maniac way – i.e alcoholism.  She wasn’t very religious, but she has a deep spiritual life and believes there is a big power than her in every possible way.  She questioned God a lot.  At the funeral , the pastor said God is not a punishing God.  He doesn’t make people sick, suffer etc, He  is full of love and she had had him lead her and teach her.

 She just got out of bed! When numbed and could not move after the tragedy.  She was afraid of laying in bed due to where her brain went.  She could wake up in the morning and go to the fire and ask herself why didn’t I do this and thant – self blame, why didn’t I save them?  It’s part of the grieving moment.  She is now trying to live the best she can for them to be proud of her.

She thought she was bonkus and didn’t care much when she heard her gone children and family talking to her.  She cried intensely, level 10 cry when she felt  blood coming  out of her eyes.  She saw herself in the mirror and could see the pain was so severe and though that woman is really in pain.  Her whole family came back to her and told her that there was nothing to be afraid of and love was the most important  thing in life .  They were talking to her in the minor and she knew they were really talking to her.  Can she feel them now, yes she does.  She feels their  super presence in her body. When she is fully present in herself she feels them more – her gone kids.  But when bitter she cannot feel them.

There are people struggling with death of say a brother etc and she tells them it is going to be ok.  Just hold on and you are going to be alright.  She tells them just find someone to love you. It will help you to heal. 
Love shows up in so many ways.  She wishes she knew when she was worried about if her children would go to the right school, eat organic food, missed being with them eg while working.  She wished she knew how important being present with them was important then before they left.  Yet all that doesn’t matter (organic food etc) i.e her prior worries.  If they had moved to a small house they would have been fine but she didn’t know.

Find how the fire began.  That is where the piece of healing is:
The fire was caused by fire ashes that were left in the fireplace in the bedroom according to authorities.  She believes there is dignity in knowing the cause.  She didn’t believe this though she is the one who said it was the ashes.  
Her house was demolished in 24 hours after the fire.  She believes something major electrical happened and she doesn’t know what happened but someone knows and  saw what happened.  And hopes they will come forward and tell the truth.  Five people died, 3 children and two adults.  She knows that even if someone comes forward she knows that her family will never come back but at least this will never happen to anyone else.  She is just seeking to find out what is the truth as there is peace in the truth.  As she doesn’t have to like what she has to accept. She just have to accept it. 
2nd break talk:
Where are the bad whispers found and how do you determine between bad and good whispers:
When exalted you are in the presence of an angel and the bad  ones will appall (horrify) you.  Good whispers bring you hope and possibilities while the bad wishpers take you down.  Good whispers take you to you conform zones and the bad scares you and the good one talks to you about you and not anyone else as it is you territory.   Forgiveness provides you power.

The undying power of love – Interview continues

After a year of the fire she started dating and got married.  What a gift to us as - that  means to stay open but she could have chosen to shut down, get bitter, enraged at the world and turn it to herself and the world but she stayed open. 
She knew Bill since she was 19 and  as a  kind man.  Yoga teacher and he walks the talk.  He is her rock and she is blessed.  Was she scared to love again? After grieving .  People don’t give themselves permission to love but feel they have to grieve for the amount of time they have loved.  The  love she got from her friends helped her not close her heart.  So she doesn’t understand the idea of shutting down to love coz otherwise she would not feel her gone children again.  
She doesn’t celebrate Christmas as she was the day the fire happened on Christmas after unwrapping gifts.   She goes out.   She twisted it out and tries to see her kids where she is.  One foot in front of the other and takes the action and move. Work  helps , to work as her parent were really hard working people.  Avon is her brand.  She goes where the light is.  Where is you light today? What gives you hope?.  Certainly she doesn’t know, but it is that she will see her children and be together and she will do everything  she can to make them proud when she is here on earth.

Love is forever. 
She thinks we are all pieces of God.  Everywhere she got wisdom from and readings from the bible like “some people suffer and others more than others so that they can tell others what to do when others suffer”.  We are all connected and come from one source and have the same energy.  We are all spiritual beings having a physical experience.  Hence we are all connected.  We are one universe together.  She has learned that loving her children and family and knowing them was to make her the best loving person she can be.
She is living a life of love and knowing that this is the most important force in the universe.  When we love each other, love is forever and hate doesn’t take you to the beautiful places.  Love doesn’t die, the love she had for her kids is still here and now. 
Oprah wishes her to find real happiness again.
Her connection to her kids becomes more every day.  They come to her in many ways sometimes like butterflies.  

Song - Wing of her butterflies played– honoring her kids.
Thank you Madonna for teaching us that love never dies. – Oprah” – shared live simulcast - on Super Soul Sunday, 26 October 2014


Empowering Parents

Raising Happiness

Greater Good In Brief


What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16

MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience

"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Good. Fr . Raniero,

(Pope Francis, Holy Thursday,
24 March 2016)

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