"  28 Benefits of Wheatgrass You Never Knew

28 Benefits of Wheatgrass You Never Knew

Wheatgrass is gradually gaining recognition due to the numerous health benefits that it carries. In fact, with more than 90 minerals and 19 kinds of amino acids, wheatgrass is one of the healthiest and nourishing herbs. Wheatgrass is taken in the juice form and its liquid is called as “liquid sunshine”, owing to its high chlorophyll content. Some of the benefits that this nature’s gift provides you are given below. Take a look!
Health Benefits of Wheatgrass
1. Formation of Red and White Blood Cells
The abundance of chlorophyll in wheatgrass helps amplify the production of hemoglobin in the body. The increased level of hemoglobin facilitates the blood to supply more oxygen. This, in turn, aids the formation of red as well as white blood cells in the body.
2. Restores pH Balance
Wheatgrass is an alkaline food supplement which is useful in balancing the pH levels of the body. This alleviates the intensity of acidity in the blood.
3. Better Digestion
Wheatgrass induces digestive system to work smoothly. It is loaded with some specific alkaline minerals which avert troubles like diarrhea, stomach ulcers, and constipation. Wheatgrass is easy to digest; hence, it keeps the colon tract clean. The magnesium components in wheatgrass also relieve constipation.
4. Cures Anemia
The molecular configuration of chlorophyll in wheatgrass is similar to that of hemoglobin in our blood. Since it has high iron content, it helps in the formation of blood. Therefore, wheatgrass becomes a healthy preference for curing anemia.
5. Cleansing and Detoxifying Properties
The detoxifying properties of wheatgrass are exceptional. It detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, cleanses the colon, improves cell strength, and provides protection from various cancer causing cells.
6. Weight Loss
The energy that wheatgrass provides to the body facilitate us to work out for long hours. It helps the body to lose weight faster and reduce obesity. Moreover, if the weight gain is due to thyroid, in that case also wheatgrass is a healthy choice, as it stimulates the thyroid gland. You can add wheatgrass powder to shakes and juices.
7. Useful in Cancer
Wheatgrass helps thwart the detrimental effects of radiation, that’s why the juice of wheatgrass is recommended to those who undergo radioactive and chemotherapy. As mentioned earlier that wheatgrass is an excellent detoxifier; hence, it is considered to be a superb remedy for constipation, hair loss, burning sensation, and cell loss, which are some common side effects of chemotherapy.
8. Treatment of Piles/Hemorrhoids
The blend of many valuable nutrients in wheatgrass makes it an absolutely natural treatment for piles or hemorrhoids. It is recommended to consume wheatgrass juice twice a day for three months, in order to treat piles naturally.
9. Beneficial for Eyes
When consumed regularly, wheatgrass helps improve night vision and eyesight.
10. Natural Cure for Diabetes
Wheatgrass is considered exceptional in treating diabetes. It postpones the assimilation of carbohydrates, thus, regulates the blood sugar level in the body.
11. Relief from Pain and Inflammation
This astonishing nature’s treasure is excellent in providing relief from general body aches and soreness. Wheatgrass refurbishes the ability of the body to stay healthy and fit.
12. Treatment of Tooth Decay
Wheatgrass is equally great in curing tooth decay and other oral ailments. For getting rid of troubles like gum bleeding and decomposition of tooth, daily massage your teeth and gums with wheatgrass powder.
13. Prevents Varicose Veins
Daily consumption of wheatgrass juice prevents the issues of varicose veins.
14. Eliminates Itching
If you are suffering from external itching, apply wheatgrass juice directly on the affected part. It will provide immediate relief. Moreover, it also heals cuts, burns, athlete’s foot, sores, boils, rashes, poison ivy, and insect stings.
15. Eliminates Body Odor and Bad Breath
The detoxifying properties of wheatgrass are advantageous for purging bad breath and body odor as well.
16. Treats Blood Pressure
The protein-rich compounds of wheatgrass in alliance with chlorophyll are extremely superb in controlling blood pressure.
17. An Excellent Cure for Arthritis
Soak a washcloth in 6 ounces of wheatgrass juice and put it on the affected area. Wrap the area with a plastic bag.
18. Improves Immunity
Daily intake of wheatgrass juice boosts up your endurance and strength, and makes you feel healthy.
19. Removes Heavy Metal
Wheatgrass juice is considered good for removing out heavy metals from the body.
20. Prevents Candidiasis
The anti-bacterial properties of wheatgrass deteriorate the growth of bacteria and yeast. Consume its juice regularly to check candidiasis and other such bacterial ailments.
21. Clear Sinus Congestion
Inhaling the steam of wheatgrass juice or drinking it breaks up mucus and pull out toxins, thus clearing the sinuses.
Beauty Benefits of Wheatgrass
22. Skin Problems
Inclusion of wheatgrass in your daily diet treats acne and removes scars. Moreover, it also helps get rid of psoriasis and eczema.
23. Prevents Premature Graying of Hair
Wheatgrass juice checks the graying of your hair before time.
24. Natural Skin Cleanser
Wheatgrass juice can be easily absorbed by the skin. Pour some juice in a tub of warm water. Soak your body in it for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold water to get a clear skin.
25. Removes Dandruff
Massage wheatgrass juice onto your scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap at least for 15-20 minutes, to keep dandruff at bay. Rinse thereafter.
26. Prevents Premature Ageing
The detoxifying properties of wheatgrass eradicate the free radicals, thereby, safeguard the body from premature ageing. It maintains the elasticity of the skin and makes you look younger.
27. Heals Sunburn
Soak a cotton ball in wheatgrass juice and dab it on the sun burned skin. After a few minutes, rinse it off and pat dry.
28. Rejuvenates Skin
Prepare a paste by mixing milk, a pinch of turmeric and wheatgrass powder. Apply the paste on your face to remove black and whiteheads. It also revitalizes your skin.
Source: homeremedy.com"

source:   http://www.healthdigezt.com/28-benefits-of-wheatgrass-you-never-knew/  (unedited)

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How To Lower Your Uric Acid Naturally

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How To Lower Your Uric Acid Naturally

How To Lower Your Uric Acid Naturally

4 Beauty Benefits of the Sage Leaf

The sage leaf has many health and beauty benefits. The oil contained in the leaf is extracted and added to skin care products. Sage spice is made from dried sage leaves and can be sprinkled on foods to enhance their flavor. Regular use of sage oil or spice will improve the body’s skin renewal process, resulting in healthier skin and hair.
1. Improves Skin’s Appearance
Sage oil stimulates cell renewal and increases blood circulation. The herb is rich in calcium and vitamin A, which are needed for daily cell regeneration. This renewal process helps minimize and delay the onset of facial wrinkles. Sage oil improves the appearance of unsightly varicose veins and broken capillaries by reducing redness and restricting capillaries.
2. Relieves and Improves Annoying Skin Conditions
Sage oil assists in improving acne, athlete’s foot and chapped skin, and relieving symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. Oil from the leaf is often added to face and body washes, deodorants and anti-fungal creams due to its astringent properties. It can be added to shampoo to eliminate dandruff or applied directly to the skin as an insect repellent. A simple face wash can be created by brewing a tea from sage leaves. Bring one cup of water with a handful of sage leaves to a boil. Strain and allow the brew to completely cool. The cooled tea can be splashed on the face after washing. It is soothing to acne-prone skin and a refreshing toner.
3. Reduces Cellulite
Increased blood circulation helps to eliminate toxins stored by the body, which in turn reduces and prevents the appearance of cellulite. Massaging cellulite affected skin several times a week helps unlock trapped toxins and fat cells that cause the unsightly condition. Using a massage butter containing sage oil enables the oil to be absorbed directly into the affected area.
4. Promotes Healthy Hair
Healthy hair is the result of proper grooming and the use of quality hair care products. Products that contain sage oil can improve weak or brittle hair. Sage helps the body control oil secretion, which reduces oily hair. Sage oil can be massaged directly into the scalp to increase blood flow to the hair follicle, which encourages hair growth and minimizes hair loss. It is a natural gray reducer, too.
To prepare a homemade gray elimination spritzer, combine 1 teaspoon each of sage leaf and rosemary leaves to 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, then strain. Put the cooled liquid in a spray bottle and apply every day directly on the scalp and hair where the gray appears. Leave on for up to 10 minutes, then shampoo and style as normal. It will take a few weeks to restore the hairs to their normal color, but only takes one or two applications per week to maintain the results.
A healthy lifestyle and proper grooming enable the skin and hair to prepare for the external stressors they face every day from the environment. Smooth and blemish-free skin is beautiful skin. Could sage leaf be the spice missing in your life?


shared article from :http://www.wellnessbin.com/4-beauty-benefits-of-the-sage-leaf/, (unedited)




8 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

It is difficult to get rid of belly fat but we found ways to eliminate belly fat forever.
1. Start your day with lemon juice This is one of the best therapies to eliminate belly fat. Pinch some yellow juice into a glass of warm water and add some salt to it. Continue drinking this every morning to boost your metabolism and to get rid of that paunch.
2. Stay off from white rice Replace white rice with various wheat products. Include brown rice, brown bread, whole grains, oats and quinoa in your diet.
3. Avoid sugary substances Stay away from sweets, sweetened drinks and foods rich in oil. Consuming these foods can increase body fat around various areas of your body like abdomen and thighs.
4. Drink plenty of water If you want to get rid of your belly, then drink sufficient amount of water every day. Drinking water, after regular intervals will help to boost your metabolism and remove toxins from your body.
5. Eat raw garlic Chew two to three cloves of garlic every morning, and drink a glass of lemon water after that. This treatment will double up your weight loss process and make your blood circulation smooth in your body.
6. Avoid non-veg food To eliminate belly fat, it is recommended that one should avoid non-vegetarian food as far as possible.
7. Load up on fruits and vegetables Eat a bowl of fruits daily in the morning and evening. This will fill you up with many antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
8. Spice up your cooking Use spices like cinnamon, ginger and black pepper in your cooking. These spices are loaded with health benefits. They help to improve your insulin resistance and reduce levels of sugar in your blood.

COMMENTS:   If only they could advise how to get rid of the smell of garlic.  It has so much benefit but leave a aroma in your mouth, then ignorant people think you have a bad smell on your mouth...- M Maingi

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Wonderful Benefits of Green Tea on Skin


Green tea is full of anti-oxidants and if you are interested in beautiful skin, you simply cannot ignore the green tea benefits for skin. This type of tea is a light green drink that originated from China and derived by boiling green tea leaves in distilled water.

Numerous researchers have, in the past decade, discovered the many green tea benefits for skin. Green tea contains as many as 200 bioactive compounds – most important of these are chemical compounds called polyphenols, which contain flavonoids. Flavonoids are a vital class of anti-oxidants, and this is the major reason for the many green tea benefits for skin.
Green tea also contains Vitamin B and Vitamin C. An adequate amount of Vitamin B, especially B12 is key for skin regeneration. Vitamin C is essential in the production of collagen, a protein which enhances the firmness of skin and helps your skin repair itself.
Top 5 of Green Tea Benefits for Skin
Green tea guards against various skin problems, including;
1. Anti-aging. Green tea benefits for skin have long been treasured as an anti-aging secret in Asia, where most old people look younger than they actually are. As it is rich in anti-oxidants, green tea is a great anti-aging remedy that helps you ward off wrinkles by fighting free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that are formed by exposure to UV radiation from sunlight. These free radicals are dangerous because they damage your healthy cells by stealing electrons from them. The anti-oxidants in green tea also heal damaged cells that may otherwise lead to wrinkles, blemishes, spots and other similar skin ailments.
2. Fights skin cancer. Drinking at least two cups of green tea every day can help avert skin cancer in the long run. A study found that green tea, which contains rich anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties may help heal the pre-cancerous scaly keratosis. Scaly keratosis is a skin ailment that people who are affected by unnecessary and chronic exposure to sun may develop. It also helps treat skin, keeping it immune to serious damages like skin tumors. A study conducted in the UK in 2007 discovered that adding lemon juice to green tea boosts its anti-cancer properties. To obtain green tea benefits for skin, go ahead and add a few drops of lemon juice to your green tea to help your body strengthen its anti-cancer properties and prevent skin cancer.
3. Acne. One of the main green tea benefits for skin is in clearing out acne. Many people have had success in curing their acne with green tea. Green tea contains catechins, which are natural anti-bacterial agents that suppress acne-causing bacteria. As well, the anti-inflammatory action of green tea helps reduce any swelling caused by acne. Green tea helps smooth out your skin, prevent further breakouts and leaves your skin with that radiant glow, which will leave all your friends envious. A simple face mask can be made by mixing organic green tea leaves with honey or milk and applying it gently to your face. Keep for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. This will flush out the toxins found deep in your skin and leave it feeling softer than ever before.
4. Protection from sun’s rays. Green tea is a natural sunscreen that you can use without having to worry about the artificial ingredients that may be in manufactured sunscreens. Most of us are exposed to direct UV rays from the sun during the course of the day. These rays from the sun loosen the skin causing oxidation to take place by stealing free electrons from your healthy skin cells. The free radicals lodge between skin cells and with time weakens the healthy protection system of your skin, which will cause wrinkles from the sun to form on your skin. This is why one of the major green tea benefits for skin is its natural shield that protects your skin from harmful UV rays.
5. Skin disorders: Green tea extract can naturally treat warts, dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea among other skin ailments. It nourishes affected skin and heals it from within. You can apply green tea extract on the affected parts for gradual relief. Drinking green tea over a long period of time naturally heals the severe sunburn damages caused to the skin by prolonged exposure to the sun’s dangerous UV rays.

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Foods for menopause

Eating for the ‘Change’: Best Foods for Menopause

  • November 22, 2014
Eating for the ‘Change’: Best Foods for Menopause
Yes. Menopause Can Be Sexy!

Menopause is the normal cycle of life where the menstrual cycles cease.
It often begins around forty years after menarche.

Menopause can be natural, premature (occurring before the age of forty) or surgically induced. It may occur quickly or take several years. Smoking cigarettes, illness, and genetic tendencies can bring menopause on earlier. Men also experience a type of menopause known as viropause or andropause.
Celebrate your menopause!

When a woman has not had a period for thirteen months, it can be a time to celebrate her entering the time of wise womanhood. Women can rejoice in this and come into their creative potential. Seen as a rite of passage and new phase, it can be very empowering, freeing one from the need for contraception and monthly bleeding.
Ancient Greeks referred to menopause as a climacteric phase, where a woman takes another step up the evolutionary ladder.
Menopause is not an illness, though it may bring about some discomfort. It can be an opportunity for assessment of life. By ending the process of losing blood, a woman can actually conserve energy and live a relatively healthy life for twenty, thirty years, or many more years.
Some women experience only the cessation of the menses without any discomfort. Only in the human female is menopause experienced. Other mammals are capable of reproducing until they die. Perhaps this is part of the great plan, that women can have babies and still be there to take care of them for the next eighteen years, minimizing motherless children.
Listen to Part One in our Green Divas Eco-Sexy Menopause is Sexy series..
This episode focuses on foods that support women’s health specifically for menopause. Listen up then read on for more about how food can help you on the menopause journey!

Green Divas Eco-Sexy: Menopause is Sexy Series Pt. 1 (9:47)

Date: October 18, 2014
By: Green Diva Meg
Description: The first part in our Green Divas Eco-Sexy Menopause is Sexy series focusing on ways women can prepare to be at their very best leading up to and during "them changes." This episode focuses on foods that support women's health specifically for menopause.
How menopause works:
During the five to ten years preceding the end of the menses, the ovaries become increasingly sensitive to gonadotropin hormonal signals. Immature follicles in the ovaries fail to mature, though there may still remain another 10,000 of them.
The ovaries become more sluggish, producing inconsistent hormonal amounts, which can cause cycles to become unpredictable. The pituitary gland continues to produce FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). These hormones become elevated while the levels of estrogen and progesterone drop.
Asian medicine considers many menopausal concerns associated with blood or yin deficiency. The liver is the organ responsible for breaking down unneeded hormones and eliminating them. If the liver is exhausted, emotional turmoil such as depression, anger, restless sleep, and hot flashes can occur. When the kidneys are deficient, low back pain, decreased libido, and incontinence may happen.
Estrogen contributes to soft skin and moist vaginas. Its depletion can lead to hot flashes, depression and increase in facial hair. The estrogen present before menopause is called estradiol. Even after the ovaries stop producing estrogen, the adrenal glands continue to produce smaller quantities. This form of estrogen will be slightly different, called dehydroepiandrosterone, which is converted by fat cells in the body into estrone.
Boost your menopausal nutrition!
During this time, menopausal nutrition should include foods that build the blood and strengthen the liver, such as:
  • beets
  • beet greens
  • black beans
  • black sesame seeds
  • deep sea fish
  • barley
  • green leafy vegetables
  • jujube dates
  • goji berries
  • millet
  • mulberries
  • mung beans
  • pomegranates
  • string beans
  • sweet potatoes
  • walnuts
Seaweeds are mineral rich and help promote vaginal elasticity. Soy products contain isoflavones, which can reduce hot flashes. Soy foods are also rich in calcium and cancer preventative. They are easiest to digest if consumed in a fermented form such as miso and tempeh. Find some great vegan and vegetarian recipes that feature these foods, including Meatless Mondays and more, in the Green Divas Foodie section!
Garbanzo beans are also beneficial. The flavonoids in orange and grapefruit inner peel can help prevent hot flashes.
Yogurt, of all the dairy products is the most assimable form, provides bone-strengthening calcium and inhibits yeast overgrowth.
Minimize alcohol, sugar, caffeine, carbonated beverages, fried foods and high fat products. If eaten excessively, they can worsen hot flashes.
Bottom line:
Knowing what menopause is all about, seeing it as an opportunity and following these simple nutritional guidelines can make you feel sexy during menopause.
Written by Green Diva Brigitte Mars. Images via Shutterstock.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/eating-for-the-change-best-foods-for-menopause.html#ixzz3JuxrIsEu




Timothy Shriver's Interview with Oprah - Chairman of the Special Olympics

Oprah's interview with Timothy Shriver, son of Eunice Kennedy, the Chairman of the Special Olympics.

A great lesson on the power and value of vulnerability from Tim Shriver and the Special Olympics.


 Timothy Shriver & Oprah

Eunice Kennedy started the Special olympics! (Shriver's Mother)

:Tell me how you came to write about being fully alive.  Timmy: He was programmed to be and did not choose.  These people who are vulnerable understand something about being present.  He tried to capture this unconditional love from such people with wisdom.  Special Olympics have taught his fun comes from nothing inhibited.  Pp think fun and soul are different nut fund is living in the soul.  They taught him that and humility and simplicity.   Even if you are disappointed or the world doesn’t come in for you do it again.  There is a little bit of Special Olympics in each one of us.  

 We all have our vulnerabilities and want to cross the finish line in our lives.  Being in the moment and to be open about the things inside us that pain us, trying to hide is the worst suffering.  Rosemary was the third of Kennedy’s children.  They kept a secret from the world. It was not obvious to strangers.  By twenty she became irritable and hard to control.   She was moved to a catholic hospital and until she died at the age of eighty.  She visited regularly unlike all else.  Everyone was a star were in a competitive company and trying harder with humor , joy but still tough and there was Rosemary they all loved her and didn’t have to do anything for her.  She didn’t have to do anything to prove she was worthy.  This helped them to feel one is free.  He writes a love and thank you letter to her and that she is still with them.   

She never gave a speech or held a job and that was a big thing for the Kennedy’s.  She taught that there are things you earn in life and others you are given.   When you give someone else you are privileged.  There was equal power of love and shame but love wins.  Shame and vulnerability was their secret that they also barely understood.  He saw it as part of what we are.  They all tried to prove they were not vulnerable and felt they were valuable.  But it taught them it was valuable to be vulnerable.  Everything has its own divine reasoning.   Rosemary was the most radical and her soul was an offering and the hand of God was there and she helped them to find themselves.  We are conquered by love in vulnerability.  Not just in money and fame.

If you get grief wrong you get a lot of things wrong = about grief in the family.
The Kennedy family their fame came with restless in completions.  He felt a yearning to find something and discover what mattered most.  His parent had good intention but there was a lot of demand and thought if they did big then they were valuable.  His father kept asking what have you accomplished etc.  It was always the beginning in the morning, get the most rest, best gift but there was love in the family.  It was a scoreboard and felt they had to measure up and missed the, e.g. in religion some people feel they have to earn his love but he is there.  Book = fully alive.  He learned the unspoken rule that they don’t speak about loss you just move on... every child grows there is no loss but children see it.  If you don’t have any tool to channel it, you get it all wrong.  If you get grief wrong you get it all wrong…..

Interview……………..caught ongoing…. (above missed portion)

“…………….We think we hide from children grief but they see it.  If you hide from it you hide a lot and you get it all wrong.  They didn’t know how to face grief and transform from it. “If you don’t transform it, you will transmit it.  To internalize, the pain, provides growth.

We tell children about grief that everyone is in heaven, and move on and get back on the game.  We have to be honest and good spirituality is being honest about the pain in loss.
Where you think you wanna go is not the most meaningful thing in life. Loss creates a void and it can be best found through creative expression.

1960 – One woman took action i.e Eunice  Shriver got a sporting event for specials.  After Robert Kennedy’s assassination, Eunice united people and started the first Olympic.  Today Timothy Shriver is the special chairman of the Olympics carrying on his mother’s legacy.

You are a seeker for something: -   He is running the special Olympics.  It is movement of the spirit that brings in to the specials and if you look at them as beautiful you bring happiness to them.  He is run by the Olympics and he is not running it.

Calling – he knew it was his calling at 16 years when asked by the mum and was not sure it was the right thing.  He took the risk and later knew he wanted to make it in the Special Olympics.  Why does it make some people afraid to face the special.   People are scared as they are not well, pretty etc these are all the things we fear and one wakes not thinking they want that for anybodyPeople always tell them sorry but they don’t like itThey are magical.  Sometimes the doctor says your baby is not ok is not healthy is not gonna be normal, it tears, it is a culture in the world -are you normal like everyone else.  They go to the games expecting them to feel pity and sorry but they don’t, we fear but  they are health and  he knows there is  strength in the vulnerability that only the vulnerability knowThere is only power in vulnerability the other power is superficial.   He grew in the spotlight , but where the light is the most is where you feel  invisible.  Successful we all want to be there, but there you get the most invisible.  Where you always want to go is not the most purposeful in life.   He found himself happiest in the places no one wanted to be.

Super soul Sunday

Amazing story in the book is that special Olympics in 1968 was the first special Olympics.  In that moment, govts were doing nothing, parents were struggling with shame they could not reveal.  The mum decided to start the movement with volunteers to start the races for the special.  Falling, trembling and one paces and stop and another stops and turns around and waits for the others to the finish line.  Amazing!

We sit home and wonder what to do to come first. Let me win and if I cannot win let me be brave in the attempt .   LET ME BE BRAVE.  It is like the source, presence in you that you don’t know you have.  His mother new the secret was to try to win but more important was to be brave.  Courage is the quality of great, we want to teach children.  Being Great comes from being undeterred, so does the great they focus and know where they wanna go and they stay on it.   We need to tell children that “when you loose you have a chance to win next time, and you also find a different part of ourselves”.  Our culture is driven to win-win-win that when you don’t win and are third place and fall down people feel a sense of despair and feel they can’t go on and it defines themselves and get ashamed of who they are.

We wake up feeling am not what I want to be and if you wake up this way then you are not fully alive.

One of his greatest teachers was blind and disabled, she was later introduced into running and found her purpose and has won many meddles.  She later became an inspirational speaker and tell  -never let anybody put you down and if they do pick yourself up and get going.  She knows her live if worth living.

His book – it was a good exercise and he kept finding stories like say of a boy saying to him - you don’t need to be intimidated.  His mum kept telling him not to worry as the  governor wears  his pants in the morning just like you.  It means we are all this together.  He kept to be told you don’t need to worry and feel intimidated by the governors etc (they lived with)  as the mum did not believe they belong in their kind of life. 

Recognize you are more beautiful than you dare to imagine and don’t need to be afraid of anything.  To be unafraid of the judgment of others is the greatest thing.  Pure souls are the unafraid. As they find there space.  Follow your guts as it takes you to the right place.  Your Gut is always guiding you to your God. 

Soul to soul moment

He meditates once a day; he is a catholic and goes to church every Sunday. He has to practice and can never get enough of getting sacrament. 

Defines God –  When he sees Him in the eyes of another person and see peace and thinks- he was in the presence of God (special people)
 Peaceful place
He has a chapel in his house,  his prayer room, it he the most peaceful place.  WOW how about me making one  soon…..a place of prayer,  watch my space….

Longest lesson to learn is that:    he matters regardless of what. 

We are here – to learn to love unconditionally every fiber in the universe.   For the glory that we are all united.  We thing we are separate and it is a lie.  As soon as we trust tha; -  that is why we are here.

When we die we go to a gigantic life, he knows his parents are next to him and all those that he has put to the ground are all around him and they are telling him all is well and all will be well.


Supersoulsunday, live simulcast 23 November 2014, 7.00pm, www.oprah.com/supersoulsunday

Timothy Shriver:


Empowering Parents

Raising Happiness

Greater Good In Brief


What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16

MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience

"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Good. Fr . Raniero,

(Pope Francis, Holy Thursday,
24 March 2016)

Sunday Night Prime

Dr Creflo Dollar - Live Streaming Event