4 Beauty Benefits of the Sage Leaf

The sage leaf has many health and beauty benefits. The oil contained in the leaf is extracted and added to skin care products. Sage spice is made from dried sage leaves and can be sprinkled on foods to enhance their flavor. Regular use of sage oil or spice will improve the body’s skin renewal process, resulting in healthier skin and hair.
1. Improves Skin’s Appearance
Sage oil stimulates cell renewal and increases blood circulation. The herb is rich in calcium and vitamin A, which are needed for daily cell regeneration. This renewal process helps minimize and delay the onset of facial wrinkles. Sage oil improves the appearance of unsightly varicose veins and broken capillaries by reducing redness and restricting capillaries.
2. Relieves and Improves Annoying Skin Conditions
Sage oil assists in improving acne, athlete’s foot and chapped skin, and relieving symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. Oil from the leaf is often added to face and body washes, deodorants and anti-fungal creams due to its astringent properties. It can be added to shampoo to eliminate dandruff or applied directly to the skin as an insect repellent. A simple face wash can be created by brewing a tea from sage leaves. Bring one cup of water with a handful of sage leaves to a boil. Strain and allow the brew to completely cool. The cooled tea can be splashed on the face after washing. It is soothing to acne-prone skin and a refreshing toner.
3. Reduces Cellulite
Increased blood circulation helps to eliminate toxins stored by the body, which in turn reduces and prevents the appearance of cellulite. Massaging cellulite affected skin several times a week helps unlock trapped toxins and fat cells that cause the unsightly condition. Using a massage butter containing sage oil enables the oil to be absorbed directly into the affected area.
4. Promotes Healthy Hair
Healthy hair is the result of proper grooming and the use of quality hair care products. Products that contain sage oil can improve weak or brittle hair. Sage helps the body control oil secretion, which reduces oily hair. Sage oil can be massaged directly into the scalp to increase blood flow to the hair follicle, which encourages hair growth and minimizes hair loss. It is a natural gray reducer, too.
To prepare a homemade gray elimination spritzer, combine 1 teaspoon each of sage leaf and rosemary leaves to 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, then strain. Put the cooled liquid in a spray bottle and apply every day directly on the scalp and hair where the gray appears. Leave on for up to 10 minutes, then shampoo and style as normal. It will take a few weeks to restore the hairs to their normal color, but only takes one or two applications per week to maintain the results.
A healthy lifestyle and proper grooming enable the skin and hair to prepare for the external stressors they face every day from the environment. Smooth and blemish-free skin is beautiful skin. Could sage leaf be the spice missing in your life?


shared article from :http://www.wellnessbin.com/4-beauty-benefits-of-the-sage-leaf/, (unedited)



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