Lifeskills from today's "SuperSoulSunday": (Tracey Jackson and Paul Williams interviewed - author of bestseller Gratitude and Trust)

When confronted with fear: (eg stage-fright) he uses the following affirmation: I don’t know how to do this but something inside me knows how.

We take time hiding and excusing our mistakes instead of acknowledging - this is my mistake. We carry an emotional baggage and carry it around and offload it to others, which is unfair. Acknowledge I am not a bad person but that is my mistake.
If you hide eg your addiction, it is exhausting. Pretending to be something you are not is exhausing.

He chooses gratitude, as fear causes bad behavoiur and bad choice, but gratitude moves you in that place of God. Trust is knowing there is power out there. Be grateful use it, it is one size and fits all.

Trying to be good everyday is a spiritual practice.

Photo: Paul Williams shared how kindness should be like a melody sung within our souls. 

Super Soulers: How will you be kind today?
Nothing that happens in your life is wasted. His addiction turned into a movement for himself and other people. He is grateful for all the missteps taken. He started mentoring other alcoholics - You keep the miracle by giving it away.

When around someone with some religious level they raise you up. ... Someone thought of it and believed it. Thoughts become thing, he learned.

He runs every morning and lives in gratitude - this is his spiritual practice.

Being honest is being spiritual and is a spiritual practice.

You can change your life at any moment. It is never too late there is something bigger than you out there.

It is better to love than be right. People try to be right but want to be loved. People are stuck, if you can love yourself, take care of yourself and pursue your dreams in your life then to can do it for others and it is the best gift to yourself.


Empowering Parents

Raising Happiness

Greater Good In Brief


What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16

MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience

"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Good. Fr . Raniero,

(Pope Francis, Holy Thursday,
24 March 2016)

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