These 10 Dalai Lama Quotes Will Change Your Life Forever

These 10 Dalai Lama Quotes Will Change Your Life Forever



The Dalai Lama has known his share of difficulty, having had to escape Tibet in 1950 when China invaded his country. His deep understanding of Buddhist principles and his own spiritual development helped him to withstand that difficult time, and he has continued to share his wisdom with others so that they can derive comfort and understanding of events and interactions. Here are a few of his quotes that can provide insight into the true meaning of life and human purpose.
These 10 Dalai Lama Quotes Will Change Your Life Forever
1 – “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”
When human beings understand themselves, they can then begin to understand what drives the people around them. There is no separation between people; they all want the same things, for themselves and for the people they love.
2 – “Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.”
Taking on relationships with others and taking on large tasks are similar in that they require a leap of faith. There is no assurance that a relationship with another person will work well or have a good conclusion. Similarly, there is no assurance that a great task will come to fruition. You must leap first, making the adjustments as you go, having faith that you can achieve what you wish to achieve, if you do it with good intention.
3 – “Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”
One of the biggest questions of existence is “what are we here for?” The Dalai Lama answers this simply, by saying we are here to help others. The purpose of life becomes clear when people ponder this simple message. Give help wherever you find a need. And if you can’t help, at least ensure that you do not make the situation worse for people.
Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them
4 – “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”
The Dalai Lama boils down the complexities of spiritual belief to a single line. Be kind. This encompasses the best of all the world religions. If we are consistently kind to everyone we encounter, if we strive to find a way to be kind to everyone regardless of differences and if we cultivate kindness in all that we do, we will extend positive energy to every corner of our lives.
My religion is very simple My religion is kindness
5 –“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”
Mosquitoes are very small, yet they can have a huge impact on a person’s ability to be comfortable during the night. They use their given qualities to get what they need. People using their own special gifts can make a huge impact on the society in which they live.
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito
6 – “Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.”
Maintaining a spirit of independence and self-reliance can help to keep your relationship equal and honest. Always pursue your own interests and develop your own talents.
Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other
7 – “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
The Dalai Lama understood that sometimes people try out patience and it is difficult to be kind. But if we choose to be kind, even in the most difficult of circumstances, we improve our own lives and the lives of others.
8 – “In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher.”
Those who try our patience most are the ones that give us the greatest opportunity to practice compassion and kindness. In this way, they cease to be a thorn in our side and become a chance to improve ourselves.
In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher
9 – “Silence is sometimes the best answer.”
Society involves a great deal of communication, but the Dalai Lama reminds people that talking is not always required. Speech that can hurt others should be avoided. Silence can often give you and others time to determine an appropriate reaction.
10 – “Know the rules well so you can break them effectively.”
The Dalai Lama is wise enough to know that life does not always follow the path of compliance and obedience. Sometimes, circumstances arise that require you to break the rules in order to help someone. The trick is to know which rules can be broken safely, so that others will not be hurt by your actions.
Many of the Dalai Lama’s precepts are deceptively simple, but these concepts can be extremely challenging in practice. However, the results can be dramatic, and many people find the implementation of these ideas leads to a happier and more satisfying life.
reference: shared source


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