Lifeskills on "Finding your purpose".

 Chapter 9 - "A New earth" - by Eckhart Tolle . 

               Streamed live on 18 May 2014..discussion. by Eckhart Tolle and Oprah  ...captured below...... 

A-New-Earth-Class-9-Full-Episode-Video link


For text:

How to discover our inner purpose -  Awakening to your lifes purpose.

"Ones you know your purpose and align it to your life you find harmony"

page 257 -  some believe life is passing them by, consumed by stress, frustrated by lack and some by prospertity. 

many people are in a state of lost permanent disatisfaction. unfortunately.  they ae looking for purpose or given up hope and are surviving.  so usually the purpose, pp think it is the guture where going, goal.  that is the outer purpose, they overlook findig the inner purposel.

which is aligning life with the present moment.  hence no longer in misalighned with the present moemtn.  Go beyond disatisfaction, byt cannot be thorugh goal setting, it has to be by becoming one internally in the present moment.  it is the alignment with wht you are doing even if doesnt look like the 30 year purpse. it is being true to this moment.

There is only this one little step.  what you encounter o the destination depends on what you take on the first step.

when you do your best, that is well received. 

life is the now.  pay bills but dont have to worry about paying your bills.  release the thought.  put problems aside...

p 257.  Destination is the secondary.  pp live like destination is what matters.  success - you spend energy polution earth, affecting others, etc.  it is a future event.  the means is imorntat and sd contribute to  happiness.  You determine what kind of future you will experience by alighning with the present moment.  you decide what is manifested in the  guture. 

your innner purpose is thebasis for true success.  struggle, determination etc has no joy and you enter into suffering. fighting and making and fighting against life.  it is like swimming upstream going against the flow of your life.  if suffering in pain , worried, its caus you are going against the inner purpose.  inner purpose everything flows.

Life skills 2: - "A New Earth" - Chapter 9

Q - fear of insecurity and uncertainity

How can you be comfortable without knowing? these thoughts that tell you it is not ok right now. they are conditioned by culture and dont need to believe in these thoughts. life is an adventure, as we are faced with uncertainity and accept it to enjoy the venture. life is a journery, adventure and fi everything was mapped up there would be no evolution. That is why you are figuring out your purpose. Make mistakes and means that is not my purpose and it directs you to your purpose.

Eg jobs you hate, it means your displeasure is telling you to get out. if you identify you do not want to do is helpful. you realise that is not your path. do what you feel is right to do. it is ok to be as ease when not knowing. You then open possibilities in your life and fear is not a factor in what you do and hence does not stop you from doing anyting. if you are afraid you cannot let the energy come into your life.

Be alert and watch your thoughts. The mind wants to know what the future is going to be. When you are still you are not afraid of the uncertainity. Pay attention to your life so when the opening shows you are ready.

Lifeskill 3: -

From excerpts of: "A new Earth" - Chapter 9 - by Eckhart Tolle. live stream discussion...

The most significant thing has happened it is the awakening - you separate your thoughts, thinking with your awareness , but now, you find it is, being ...

Q - God is love.

Love is used in loose sence and has many meanings. it is used casually. obsession is also called love. when you love, you are aligned completely, and bring uncondtional consciousness in wht you are doing or being. It is sacrate. It is sensed if you are present enough. if you love wht you are doing then you are creatign the universe. p261.

when doing in consciousness it is through the essence in the doing and ot the goal tht matters. is is a means in the end? if it is wht you are doing, well fine but not in the end.

if caring for kids brings meaning to your life, what happens when they dont?

connect these things to your inner purpse to bring meaning to what you do.

 Life skill 4

continued... " A new Earth - chapter 9 by Eckhart Tolle. Live sream discussion today..

Q - Apologising - We expect to hear this when wronged.

Its the ego that requires the apology. It keeps accounts, you owe me an apology. it is an oppor to be aware of the ego in you. "there is the ego... "the thoughts of the ego. he shd apologise.. observe these thoughts and emotions. Observe it in action. then when awre of the thought pattern recognise it and you are awre and dimish its power. pp dont apologise as they dont know or they interpret diferent and think you are the one who should apologise. Your ego is feeling superiour, you can keep the resentment for a while, it is the ego hanging onto resentment and if fo rlong they become grieviances, long term resentments. observe the egos in you. Be happy if you are able to observe then if theri ego prevents them from apologising it thinks they will be loosing something. see your own ego and bring awareness and hence awareness grows.

 Life skill 5

continued... " A new Earth - chapter 9 by Eckhart Tolle. Live stream discussion today..

Awakening - The spirits begining to be in the human form by being in awareness. "as above so below..". what happens here in humans will become universal. what happens in the microcosmo of earth will happen in the macrocosmos of earth. There is energy where we came from eg God, devine, conscousness. When you tap into it, presence, inner puprpose, that is connected to the source of all unversal power and energy. if you tap to that part of you, your aims and inentions will be one with all universal energy is sriving for and it is for you to allow consciousness to come through you to the unverse. That is why you are here. to allow all that is connected to you , i.e the source of God.

Can you be 52 and be lost so what do you do?  (i.e you are not awakened)

Awakening is realising your inner purpose. If you cannot surrend to it bring acceptanc to wht you are doing now and be ok and you will be in a stae of clarity and are not in state of unhappiness. let go the resistance. are you willilg are are you truely incapable to acdepting the moment.

You may have been resisting for many years, when consciousness flows, and are not resisting, change comes into your life.

The great arises from small things. honour small things for the moment instead of embracing the great idea of something. this moment, this step is what matters. its the small things, small moments then greater things arises. be true to this moment and bring the state of presence, conscousness to the mometn and be filled from deeper level than sallow level.

Next week the final Chapter 10.  Join us.... and share the life skills....


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What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16

MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience

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