The three types of prayer that can help anyone through challenging times.

 What are the three types of prayers that can help through challenging times?  Find in the interview below of Anne Lamott author of   


 and other 26 books.  

Simulcasted on 29 June 2014.


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Three essential prayers are:



 Anne Lamott, the New York Times best-selling author of Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, Operating Instructions and Bird by Bird, joins Oprah at her home in Hawaii to talk about the three types of prayer that can help anyone through challenging times. Anne introduces her latest book, Stitches: A Handbook on Meaning, Hope and Repair, a funny and profoundly moving meditation on the search for meaning and how we can make the wounded parts of ourselves whole again, stitch by stitch. Plus, she opens up about her recovery from addiction and her ongoing commitment to appreciate the sacred in everyday life.

Transcript of the episode:

Three essential prayers:

"Anne Lammot was born in 1944.  The dad turned away from God except for Ann at 8 yrs she began to pray believing someone was listening.

Most teachers come form ethists parents as she, and her mum was from Liverpool.   Her parents were active ethists but not egnostic ethists.  They worshipped in monks temple believing in intellectuality. They were raised to have faith in music, books and nature.  (wonder how many of us do this unconsciously)   She was bright but kids teased her for her hair.   She fought back by making jokes.  At 18 she turned to alcohol.  At 19 she began coccaine.  As she didnt want to feel her feelings.  She was bright and shy and was bullied and could not breath.  She was sad and when she drunk she didnt feel any of her pain.  Instead she felt pretty. She was a desparate people pleaser.  She was raised to believe to do better and better, do anything and bring it home.  When she knew it was an inside job, within her, she started praying and got sobber.

In her book she came with the three essential prayers.  How?

At 32 she got sobber and converted into Christianity.  She was let to be and she was allowed to be.  Her mum died and she turned again to drugs.  One sunday she was driven in by gospel music and she felt like God had picked her up and she needed it most.

Her father died of brain cancer and she found herself back to acohol and coccaine.

When she got sobber people told her it was a miracle and she went "thank you thank you" followed by  wow. Prayer is taking chances aginst all odd. 

She published her first book at 26 and has written taboo books  It is easy to thank God when things are going right. But much of time it is harder than we like.  It was easy for her to see God when thinks are fine but when things are wrong it shakes off one.  But now whe believes one can now speak to God anywhere.  Rage cna also be prayer.  When things come from the depth of our heard its prayer.  Conventional prayers are not important as we know so little yet think we know soo much.  Phil 4.27 rejoice in God is her favourite quote.  whatever hapens rejoice in the Lord.  Our father's prayer - she find it hard.  omnipience is the position and only love energy can be and what one is made of.  It can be made, destroyed and can be part of something very huge.

How to craft the spritual practice even if you have never prayed.

People confuse prayer with wishes.  Prayer is dialogue with God.  It is not petition - can i have I want.  The difference is... You wish certain things but we live in the hope but not in the hope that love is true and goodness is true and that darkness turned into lightness.  We live in the hope that this is true.  Hope is truth and life and spiritual  Life will knowck you down but hope will lift you up.  have a strong surface

When bad things hapen wher eis God?   He is not the one who causes the evil.  He is in the healing the crying that cleanse us.  Prayer is surrender.   Life is a phenomenal miracle.  When people do wrong to you stop and talk to God and say Thank you because you know there is a rainbow and no one can take it form you and you will come out on the other side strong.  For his tender mercies and letting you pass thorugh the other way.  Remember to thank God.

What is your personal prayer?

Whatt makes you say Wow - She wakes up in the morning and say Wow life is phenominal. 

In India - she was afraid of flying but she consoled herself it was time to prayer and surrender.  Indias culture is about living spiritual where they dont separate life from the spirit.  She was blown and loved India when she say one billion people in prayer.  People live and exibit spirituality and it changes you.  There is a level of contentment and harmony and everyone cares about the other person.

Anne Lamott's -Three Simple Prayers
Author Anne Lamott says there are three simple prayers that can get you through the good, bad and even the ordinary aspects of daily life. Read on to find out what they are in this excerpt from her book, Help Thanks Wow.
Help Thanks Wow

I do not know much about God and prayer, but I have come to believe, over the past twenty-five years, that there's something to be said about keeping prayer simple.

Help. Thanks. Wow.

You may in fact be wondering what I even mean when I use the word "prayer." It's certainly not what TV Christians mean. It's not for display purposes, like plastic sushi or neon. Prayer is private, even when we pray with others. It is communication from the heart to that which surpasses understanding. Let's say it is communication from one's heart to God. Or if that is too triggering or ludicrous a concept for you, to the Good, the force that is beyond our comprehension but that in our pain or supplication or relief we don't need to define or have proof of or any established contact with. Let's say it is what the Greeks called the Really Real, what lies within us, beyond the scrim of our values, positions, convictions, and wounds. Or let's say it is a cry from deep within to Life or Love, with capital L's.

Nothing could matter less than what we call this force. I know some ironic believers who call God Howard, as in "Our Father, who art in Heaven, Howard be thy name." I called God Phil for a long time, after a Mexican bracelet maker promised to write "Phil 4:4–7" on my bracelet, Philippians 4:4–7 being my favorite passage of Scripture, but got only as far as "Phil" before having to dismantle his booth. Phil is a great name for God.

My friend Robyn calls God "the Grandmothers." The Deteriorata, a parody of the Desiderata, counsels us, "Therefore, make peace with your god, / Whatever you conceive him to be— / Hairy thunderer, or cosmic muffin."

Let's not get bogged down on whom or what we pray to. Let's just say prayer is communication from our hearts to the great mystery, or Goodness, or Howard; to the animating energy of love we are sometimes bold enough to believe in; to something unimaginably big, and not us. We could call this force Not Me, and Not Preachers Onstage with a Choir of 800. Or for convenience we could just say "God."

Some of you were taught to pray at bedtime with your parents, and when I spent the night at your houses, I heard all of you saying these terrifying words: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake ... "

Wait, what? What did you say? I could die in my sleep? I'm only seven years old ...

"I pray the Lord my soul to take."

That so, so did not work for me, especially in the dark in a strange home. Don't be taking my soul. You leave my soul right here, in my fifty-pound body. Help.

Sometimes the first time we pray, we cry out in the deepest desperation, "God help me." This is a great prayer, as we are then at our absolutely most degraded and isolated, which means we are nice and juicy with the consequences of our best thinking and are thus possibly teachable.

Or I might be in one of my dangerously good moods and say casually: "Hey, hi, Person. Me again. The princess. Thank you for my sobriety, my grandson, my flowering pear tree."

Or you might shout at the top of your lungs or whisper into your sleeve, "I hate you, God." That is a prayer, too, because it is real, it is truth, and maybe it is the first sincere thought you've had in months.

Some of us have cavernous vibrations inside us when we communicate with God. Others are more rational and less messy in our spiritual sense of reality, in our petitions and gratitude and expressions of pain or anger or desolation or praise. Prayer means that, in some unique way, we believe we're invited into a relationship with someone who hears us when we speak in silence.

We can pray for things ("Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz"). We can pray for people ("Please heal Martin's cancer." "Please help me not be such an asshole"). We may pray for things that would destroy us; as Teresa of Avila said, "More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones." We can pray for a shot at having a life in which we are present and awake and paying attention and being kind to ourselves. We can pray, "Hello? Is there anyone there?" We can pray, "Am I too far gone, or can you help me get out of my isolated self obsession?" We can say anything to God. It's all prayer.

From Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lamott. Copyright 2012 by Anne Lamott. Excerpted by permission of Riverhead Books."

PUT YOUR A** where your heart wants to be - Steven Pressfield - Author - The War Art

Steven Pressfield on Finding Your Calling: "Put Your A** Where Your Heart Wants to Be"


interview of Steven Pressfieldm

Oprah and Steven Pressfield – Author The War of Art. - transcript of the conversation

"He served in the marines and decided to be a writer.  Oprah sits down with best-selling author, thinker and creative visionary Steven Pressfield to talk about his book The War of Art. Watch as Steven reveals practical steps to unlock the creative genius he believes lives inside all of us.
“In The world of art if you apply the principles it helps you break through the bricks.

Resistance is the negative force that arises when we try to move from a low level to a higher level.  That is resistance. When trying to get out of your petty ego, and try to get something out there, you meet resistance, that negative force.

The principle of resistance applies to everything we try to do.  In launching, entrepreneur, any diet regiment, any religious advancement, programs to stop addiction, education of any kind and any commitment of life, to have a child also coz you are trying to move form something narrow, petty point of view to something noble. “To be open to love” Ego is edging God out and thinking and putting yourself first.
This is for everyone. 

The writer’s day – sits down in the morning and at eh end of the day he asks himself one thing did I overcome resistance today.  Then he knows his day was good.

The hardest thing is the commitment t sit down and write or do what you intend to do.  You reach a point where the pain is worse when thinking of it than doing it.  That nagging sensation you feel when you are not doing what you intent to do, is the resistance.

Everyone has a zone, flow in

Get out of your little head and get to the lager identity and lose yourself like kids do when    playing, they forget time everything and stay in the present moment.  If you want paint paint, plunge it. Entrepreneur wants to be start one.  Start in ACVTION.  JUST DO IT.

What keeps us from doing what we want to do?

How do you define art? - 

You know there is something inside you stopping you so you listen to something inspirational to get going.

What is resistance? Why is it so prevalent when you want to do something important?

The more important an activity is to your soul the more resistance, fear you feel.  If it means something to you the more the resistance.  Your perceptions.  How do you overcome?  YOU JUST DO IT.

The pain of not doing what you want to do is worse.  We procrastinate.  It comes second. First you dream, resistance is the shadow, Resistance is for every dream there is rshadow known as resistance.  He took 30 yrs before selling a novel.  At that time he didn’t know there was resistance, but once he knew there was that resistance, - what made him know that was resistance – Your will has to be stronger than the resistance.

The thought comes am not good enough it’s been done before.  These thoughts we think they are our thought but are not they are our resistance, the negative force form where it comes from. 

Ones you look straight at it and start doing what you want to do, you find you are doing it.  And you start asking why didn’t I do this two months ago.

What do we do with it when we face resistance.  Is to confront it.  When you are getting to the next level that is better as you recognize it and realize it is in your thought, the negative force trying to stop you from going to the next level.  The voice tells you all the negative things.  It is not your voice; it is like gravity the force of nature.

How can you break though those bricks of negativity?

As we pursue our dream we rise up and find a force called resistance.  The amount of resistance is the same amount as how important what you want to do is.

Resistance is universal and everyone is experiencing it.  It is the fear thing.  Metaphysics – There are two levels material and the higher level soul.  The soul is trying to talk to us and we are trying to talk to it by praying.  There is a force coming as resistance.  It is a separation.  There is the place above us, there is earth, and the soul tries to communicate up to us. There is this force, but why not cruise across it.  AHA.  What allows you to transcend that layer is meditation.  In the moment of stillness, when you meditate you can meet the soul, the higher self, where God resides.  The voices we hear are not our voices.  The thoughts we here are not ours, let them go.  Ones you say that is not me, it goes away.  Your inner roommate is always chattering, i.e. the ego. 

Most of us have two lives, the life we live and the unlived life within us.  There is no difference between art and prayer.  When you are giving your offering it is your prayer.  Prayer is defined as we are in a level here and there is another level up there.  We are constantly trying to reach that other level up there.  You want to be an open vessel and allow the spirit of God, inspiration to flow through; you want to take the space of ego remove it.

What is your calling, Name it, Claim it and xxxx
   Is creativity.   Humility is when you realize you are a servant of a higher force.  

Art, tangible stuff like music.  Everyone has a calling however hard or humble.   Ask what my calling is.  Everyone knows in their heart.  To find out is ask what you afraid of are.  What would be the last thing to do if you were to die?  That is your calling.

What you are afraid of.

Your big job in life is to find out why you are here.  There are people who don’t know.   And it is unfortunately.  They think they don’t know coz they think it is something big.  Resistance is self sabotage but we are sabotaged by other people.  When people tell us we are not worthy especially when young, we are threatened. E.g. how will you make a living being a writer? So you put off that to please that voice. You give in to that voice.  Others sabotage is real but we also sabotage ourselves over and over again. 

You blow it and has to be aware of it and has to get stronger and stronger to get to realizing your dream and let it manifest.

Changing the way we look at ourselves,

When we struggle 2 ways we look at is that we are sick then we can solve or that we are doing something wrong.  Both make us judge ourselves.  STOP JUDGING YOURSLEVE. Go in there and kick it.

The third way of looking at it or overcoming resistant is to that that the world and thinking like an amateur when one meets adversity one falls.  When you turn a pro it’s like having your first child.  Professionals is an ideal.  In contrast to the amateur who plays for fun?  Armature calling when they face adversity the run and blow out.  But professionals etc make decisions and love their work and dedicates and it becomes full time.    But some are not committed. 

Positive aspect when you are on path then all tails starts coming in. 

Who is God -? 
What is the soul – is the self S – part of self connected to God. It survives the body and if we can live according to the higher plane then we have something

God is what was before everything was and will be after all is.  Supreme consciousness etc

The moments of flow when working and ego go away, that is his experience o God
The world needs to stop thinking in parochial terms, my religion, my tribe as God sees everyone as his child and until we can do that we are in trouble.

We need to calm ourselves in times of adversity.

Art is material existence that exists in potentiality d the artist is caged in that change. 
Joy – his greatest joy is lowing himself in artistic Endeavour and making it a gift to other people.  Being able to offer someone through him something.

Just plunge in; put yr a….


"Just give me a reason. -click here for video or at the end of the lyrics"

"Just Give Me A Reason"
(feat. Nate Ruess)

Right from the start
You were a thief
You stole my heart
And I your willing victim
I let you see the parts of me
That weren't all that pretty
And with every touch you fixed them

Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh, oh
Things you never say to me, oh, oh
Tell me that you've had enough
Of our love, our love

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

I'm sorry I don't understand
Where all of this is coming from
I thought that we were fine
(Oh, we had everything)
Your head is running wild again
My dear we still have everythin'
And it's all in your mind
(Yeah, but this is happenin')

You've been havin' real bad dreams, oh, oh
You used to lie so close to me, oh, oh
There's nothing more than empty sheets
Between our love, our love
Oh, our love, our love

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
I never stopped
You're still written in the scars on my heart
You're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

Oh, tear ducts and rust
I'll fix it for us
We're collecting dust
But our love's enough
You're holding it in
You're pouring a drink
No nothing is as bad as it seems
We'll come clean

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
That we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
That we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

Oh, we can learn to love again
Oh, we can learn to love again
Oh, oh, that we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

Bringing Our Workplace Policies into the 21st Century

How to handle betrayal

Video link: 



Author Marianne Williamson, Bishop T.D. Jakes, author Caroline Myss and filmmaker Tyler Perry share the surprising ways they respond to people who hurt them

Music brings one to present moment. enjoy...Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake - Love Never Felt So Good


Russell Simon  - discusses his way of success.   (escuse errors realtime transcript)... (Own's global simulcast today 15 June 2014)

Lifeskills 1

The music industry and fashion are two of the most ego associated industries there are.  Is is a struggle to keep your ego intact in the midst of all.

He has learned that rich people keep struggling as they want more and more and poor peoole want more.  Middle people let go and dont associate life with wanting more. 

Stillness, breathing can be expounded on.  He read "the power of now" and introduced it to Oprah.  Eckhart book. 

The present moment is all you have, the past is gone.  Just the present and presence is God.  Flowing in the past is the fundamental cause of suffering.  Stop the past and go to the present moment,  stress is wanting to be in a differnt moment rather thna nowl.  being present.  you dont ned anything if you are awake in a second.  that second will be anything.

How did he realise his connection to something bigger. 
His broher is a preacher but he wasnt borught up religious.  But the idea of being connected , you would be a cup of God.  Take that cup and scoope that what of God. We are that cupof God.  We are learning that we are all more connected.  We are the cup of God.

Why would the world be a better place?  continues... 

Lifeskill 2

Life skill 2 - Continues..

The power of Now - Book - Why would I be better eg meditate. The noise disappears and you see Gods beauty. You see all as you drive all beauty. flowers, gives relationsip with all. If you meditate then you are good at your job, and you engage in reality.

Most pp tend to numb themselves and stop feeling thier pain, prescripions, tv we numb ourselves. Everyone has a cloudiness. You stuff yourself eg enjoy your food.... when you meditate the mind settles and clarity is for real. The same hapiness as when you see God gives you. It is the same we seek when seeking to knowGod. He stopped drugs as he needed clarity and prefered meditating int he morning.

He is known as uncle Rush. How did he learn to slow down?

Peole are always yearning for more. BEauty everywhere we dont see as we are over clouded. Celebrity possessed culture, we dont blame the world for the suffering, but pole need to operate on the outside out as happiness is here and simple things on the outswide should not affect the inside. what makes you suffer comes and goes and dont let it settle as you learn you are not your thoughts. you are greater than that. these are choices you make to worry about .............

sorry lost powers. missed portion tobe filled later.

Is it difficult to manage business?

A buisness yogi makes the world a better place. an entrepreneiou that makes the world a better place. If you look at the world you think what void can i fill, what service can i provide. you realise there is a tonne of stuff that can be done.

How did he learn how to focus? find out next...

Like skills 3 continues with Russel Simon...

He would like to teach his kids to be happy and make the world a happy place. His wife is his best friend despite separation and divorce fo rthe kids sake. As you dont wnat you childen to see fights everyday as its painful everyday.

His kids taught him, about purpose with them. He leaned unconditional love, he can write about it. lives it fully.

He wants people to know about living thier lives that htey are seeking. No one can give you or take away that happiness. everyone is searching fo rthat happiness. and it is a choice we learn to do.

The soul is the conscious, the watcher inside the body. We are the soul.

God is one breathing entity which we are piece of. Spirituality vs religion? - religion is spirituality. Spirituality is what Jesus, Mohammed, buddha taught to love each othr be passionate and care for each other.

Yoga gives him peacefulness.

Let go, is the hardest lesson Russel simon took long to learn.  He has learned he need nothing in life other than enlightment.  .......... is the best lesson.... we are here to evolve to be like God. 

the world needs happiness. He believe in love.  Music is love and happiness.  It brings you to the present moment  He is fully present when he is engaged in what he is doing. 

summary he is the " A enlightnemtn peddler"

longest lesson to learn - to let go......

Full video available for one week; i.e upto 22 June 2014



Enterpreneurship life skill -

LOVE IS mentioned over 100 times in the book.

Love is  hidden in the corporate closet.  It is seen as weak.  In reality it is killer be killed and if you don’t do what is necessary you fail.  This is out of date.  We live in a community of love and love is what connects even an organization together.

What makes a great entrepreneur?   There is a certain type of entrepreneur.

A great entrepreneur – is a highly creative.  They see opportunities, see something is missing, can see that what is missing is something that will create value for others, I wish this existed, they have a passion or dream to realize for the world, are highly creative dreamers and go and make their dreams happen. They are dream creators.


How is your soul fed? .........




Find some way to practice your spirituality daily for spiritual intelligence.  



Indicators of spiritual intelligence  are:
Recognition of a higher purpose,
sense of truth,
beauty and goodness


Here is the transcript of todays livestream of finding your life purpose by John Mackey on OWN. (realtime, excuse the errors)......

live realtime transcript ...

"John Mackey of Whole Foods store's father asked him to go back to school and complete college, but he wanted to do grocery instead. The mum died sad and she thought the son was a failure, but he wishes he had told her why. He knew in his heart that is what he wanted to do. He followed his bliss against his friends, parents like most people are afraid to do. "find your truth, your wisdom..."

He left the safety everyone thought was and followed his mind.

 Lifeskill 2 .. continues.. (realtime transcript, please escuse the errors)

When faced with a flood in his store, he realised they were no better than other firms. Its one of the largest stores inthe world and listed in fortune margazine. 

No one gets out of here alife so how are you going to live it..

It has a great reputation for quality at affordable cost that everyone can afford. He has found his purpose in life and the qsts we have to ask are what do we care about the most, what are we most passionate about, what gets us up in the morning, what makes us dream. they give us answers to our purpose.

He vowed to do only things he wanted to do at age 19.   Got no degree and only did only what he really wanted to. Hence he had control of his life. He formed his own path and got conscious of death very early in life. He knows we ar just passing here, we should enjoyu the beauty but cant stay here. life is too short so what is your purpose here?

Day born and day you discover why you were born not the day you ou die or your marriage are the most importnat in your life.

 Lifeskill 3... continues..

As a CEO you have an ethical obligation to be self conscious to help the growth of your followers. It gives everyone permission to do the same.

Cost capitalism - business can be a good course for good.  but is is done unconsciously and hence does not reach its highest potential. 

"Crack you heart open and let others flow through..." Vulnerability is a good strengh. It is good in leadership as when we are vulnerable we are authentic. Leaders are humans and not perfect. If you are above people you hold everyone back and they dont grow.

Spiritual intelligence - you can tell one has by, it has to do with people having a high purpose and recognising purpose. Some naturally see purpose and it has to do with truth, beauty, health and goodness. These are the qualities that reconise? in the world. Another indicator is high sense of ethics - what is right and people are clear about it.

Love in his book - he says it is time love to come out of the corporate closet.

How do you rate your spiritual intelligence?   

 How has your spiritial life informed you.  I dont want to be separated.  His daily practice is yoga, meditation, inside meditation, conscious in the moment.  

 Lifeskill 4... continues...

Spiritual intelligence - His work is part of his spirituality. His wife is a yoga teacher and he meditates 20 minutes a day. He get present in the moment and is not caught in the mind chatter and being aware of what happens internally is his main practice he does daily as a spiritually practice. Be present in the present moment is all meditation is about. When you forget the practice you just come back.. we dance, to ride a bike we discipline our minds and it gets better. same should be with our spirituality.

Nature has a rhythm, so when out there you body scychoronises with life. eg hiking one is away from business and enjoys nature and new ideas and cretivity comes in and comes from.

Love is in the corporate closet. It is competitive out there.  

LOVE IS mentioned over 100 times in the book.

Love is  hidden in the corporate closet.  It is seen as weak.  In reality it is killer be killed and if you don’t do what is necessary you fail.  This is out of date.  We live in a community of love and love is what connects even an organization together.

What makes a great entrepreneur?   There is a certain type of entrepreneur.

A great entrepreneur – is a highly creative.  They see opportunities, see something is missing, can see that what is missing is something that will create value for others, I wish this existed, they have a passion or dream to realize for the world, are highly creative dreamers and go and make their dreams happen. They are dream creators.

Life is short, answere the call.

Love is mentioned 100 times in his book. What has love got to do with business. It is the idealistic source, it is a competitive world. These metaphors are out of date. we are living in a complex world of relationships, teamworks and familieis. love is what connects a family, organisation together.

Lifeskill 5........Why are we here? John Mackay answers.... ?

We are here to love, we need to go to the high consciousness of love to heal the world, the family, the community and the world. 

Photo: John Mackey served up the questions, now it's time for you to answer!

"We need to wake up and be more loving,
Success is fulfilling you higher purpose in life.
Your soul if feed by loving and being loved by oher poeple..."

Sould is the deep essense of who we are.  God is the creative force that lies upon all that is.  
when are you at peace - when with wife and a place upcountry.  

lesson taking him the longest to learn -  not yet learned - we are powerful beings and we reap out in ways we are not conscious and we have a responsiblitil not to hurt people.  learning to  be kind and gentle and not harm people with his actions and love people 100% of times.  

Tells God.....  Please speak through me today so that I may realise your purpose....

Why are we here/purpose of humanm expereine - to wake up and manifest love, we need to leave and not destroy this place.  we need to go to the high conscience of love and heal our families, societies etc.

The world need to wake up and be more loving...
Success is fulfiling your higher pupose in life
Loving and being loved by other people feeds my soul.
He knows the world is a mystery and a beautiful place.

 Full episode is availble here for one week from 8 June 2014



Empowering Parents

Raising Happiness

Greater Good In Brief


What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16

MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience

"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Good. Fr . Raniero,

(Pope Francis, Holy Thursday,
24 March 2016)

Sunday Night Prime

Dr Creflo Dollar - Live Streaming Event