HAPPY 2015!

Would you like to start the happiness jar in 2015? ....read below: Happy 2015!


Dear Ones -

Here it is the end of the year, and I thought it might be a good time to re-introduce to you all the concept of a Happiness Jar.

Here's me with mine!

What is a Happiness Jar? The simplest thing in the world. You get yourself a jar (or a box, or a vessel of any kind) and every day, at the end of the day, you grab a slip of paper and write down on it the happiest moment of the day.

Even on lousy days, you do this. Because even on lousy days, there is one best moment (or at least, one least-worst moment.)

You stick that little piece of paper in the jar.

Over the years, you have a record of your happiness.

On bad days, I will thrust my fist in that jar and go fishing — pulling up a handful of great moments that I would have utterly forgotten, had I not documented them.

I've been doing this practice for years, and I love it.

If my house ever caught on fire, this would be the one material object I would grab before I ran out the door...because what's inside this jar? THAT'S WHERE IT'S AT — the whole point of this life.

Over the years, my Happiness Jar has taught me much. What continually amazes me is what ends up on the slip of paper every day. Not awesome events, not huge achievements — usually just a small and tiny thing, a moment of awareness...that moment when you step outside and between the house and the car you get hit on the top of the head with a beam of sunlight, and suddenly feel awash with gratitude simply for being alive, and you think, "Yes. This is it."

It's usually something that small — and something that grand.

I know that many of you have started this practice, too — and I love seeing the pictures of your jars, and hearing how you have adapted this to your own lives. I love the woman who put one in the middle of her dining room table, and she and her kids each put an entry in there every day — what a cool family practice! And I love the woman who wrote to me last week saying that she had the hardest year of her life, but she kept her Happiness Jar practice going the whole time, and today — on the last day of the year, she's going to pull out each piece of paper in the jar, to remind her that even now, even in hard times, there was always one good moment a day.

So if anyone wants to begin this practice tomorrow, a New Year is always a great place to start!

Sending love, and, of course, wishing you all an abundance of Happy Moments in 2015!
Shared source:  Elizabeth Gilbert facebook page, date accessed, 31 December 2014.
For a better and easy experince, I will have opened a page, see top right hand side : Happiness Corner.  Share your happiness moments for year 2015 and enhance your sense of optimism and gratitude in the new year.  -  Margaret Maingi, 31 December 2014.

Lessons for Loving

Practical wisdom on love, relationships and marriage

Want to Live Well, and Love Well? Start Listening.

A leading researcher makes the case for seeking wisdom from a different source.
Over the past 10 years, I’ve been on a quest for wisdom. I didn’t take the conventional routes of finding a guru, reading self-help books, or listening to motivational speakers. Instead, I decided to ask the oldest Americans about their advice for living on a range of topics, from choosing a career to raising children, to avoiding regrets, to how to age gracefully and well. Currently, this project focuses on older people’s advice for love, relationships, and marriage.

In 2011, when I published a book on 1,200 older people’s advice for living (30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest Americans), I got a very important question from a viewer of the PBS Newshour, which covered the book. This college professor from New England emailed me that the book “makes the assumption that the young have more to learn from the old than the other way around.” He went on, “How does Mr. Pillemer know that the elderly ‘are the truest experts on living well through hard times?’”
It was an excellent question. And it got me thinking. I’ll offer my answer here, and I’d like to hear what readers have to say.

America is ambivalent about the wisdom of older people, if popular culture is any guide. On the one hand, we are provided with buffoonish images of older people, such as Grandpa Simpson (famous quote: “I always get the blame around here! Who threw a cane at the TV? Who fell into the china hutch? Who got their dentures stuck in the toilet?”), or Frank Costanza, George’s churlish father on Seinfeld (famous quote: “Hoochie Mama!”).

Stacked on the other side of the scale are the “sages"—characters ranging from Yoda to Dumbledore to those played by actor Morgan Freeman who in film after film plays the wise elder and moral compass for those around him. Despite such confused images, younger Americans seem at least open to the idea of older people as potential repositories of wisdom.

Still young people are right to ask: Why should it interest me and what can I gain from hearing older people’s advice about how to live my life? Let me offer three reasons why the wisdom of older Americans can be a uniquely important source of guidance—why they could be called “experts” on living well through hard times:

1. Listening to the advice of older people has promoted well-being and even survival for millennia.
Over the 1.5 million years of human existence, it is only for around the past 150 years that most people have gone to anyone other than local elders for solutions to life’s problems. Anthropologists tell us that in prehistoric times, the accumulated wisdom of older people was a key to human survival. Not only did the old (and especially grandmothers) improve the survival chances of their grandchildren by caring for them and finding them food; they also were the source of tried and tested experience, the true “elders” to whom group members would go in time of crisis. Later on, in agricultural societies, the family elder was often the only one who knew how his clan’s property should be farmed or how to handle drought or pest infestation. Without that elder’s knowledge starvation could ensue. So consulting older people is really a “natural” thing for humans to do.

2. America’s elders are a unique and extraordinary generation.
People in their seventies and beyond have lived through experiences many of us today can only imagine. Their lives have often included what psychologist Juan Pascual-Leone has termed “ultimate limit situations.” As he eloquently puts it, these are situations that “cannot be undone and are nonetheless faced with consciousness and resolve.” Situations like illness, aging, failure, oppression, loss, crushing poverty, and war. It is precisely these situations that lead to wisdom. America’s elders have more of this kind of wisdom more than the rest of us because on average they have been through many more ultimate limit situations. They have survived them, absorbed them, and gained invaluable experience. This unique perspective is a valuable lens through which younger people can view their own lives.

3. Elders offer an alternative to conventional wisdom.
There’s a paradox here: This point is simultaneously why we should seek out elder wisdom and also why younger people may not pay attention. From our surveys of 1,200 elders about their lessons for living, we found that their perspectives often shake up conventional wisdom.
Conventional wisdom is what everybody knows—what the members of a society learn while they are growing up. Conventional wisdom offers up images of the good life and reinforces the values of the culture. It ultimately becomes the basis of our identity and self-esteem. And it’s very hard to see beyond conventional wisdom, even if it makes us live smaller and less happy lives.

I found that the elders often rejected what has become conventional wisdom in America and pointed to an alternative. This alternative wisdom defies a single categorization—sometimes it’s what we think of as “liberal” (elders endorse religious tolerance, for example, and reject materialistic worldviews) and sometimes “conservative” (such as proposing that marriage should always be seen as a lifelong commitment). But it is in this challenge to the conventional world-view that the true value of their wisdom lies. The elders lead us to examine our assumptions and make more conscious decisions about our own scripts for happiness.

In the end, I come down on the side that the accumulated wisdom of older people—our “experts” on living—can serve as a helpful guide for us. They bring experiential knowledge of just about every problem a human being can go through. People from their teens to middle age will find that the roadmap for life elders provide can help them take a new look at their own situations and choose new ways of living that will make them happier.

We just have to be willing to ask and listen.

shared source:

www.psychologytoday.com, date accessed 30 Dec, 2014 (uneditted)

20 Snacks That Burn Fat

What you eat between meals matters more than you think. These choices boost metabolism and help you lose weight fast.

Credit: Corbis

An apple and skim milk

"Almost any fruit is going to make a great snack, but you usually want to pair it with a bit of protein to make it more satisfying," says Bowerman; "unlike carbohydrates, which get used up relatively quickly, protein will help sustain your energy and hunger levels for a couple of hours."

Our pick for a protein-fruit pairing: one large apple and one cup of skim milk. This duo will give you 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber for just over 200 calories. 

20 Snacks That Burn Fat

What you eat between meals matters more than you think. These choices boost metabolism and help you lose weight fast.
Credit: Corbis

Cottage cheese-filled avocado

Here's another fruit and diary combo, this one for when you're craving something rich, creamy, and a bit savory. Remove the pit from one half of an avocado and fill the space with 2 ounces of 1% cottage cheese. For 200 calories, you'll get 9 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber—and no dirty dishes!

Watch the video: How to Prepare an Avocado  

20 Snacks That Burn Fat

What you eat between meals matters more than you think. These choices boost metabolism and help you lose weight fast.
Credit: Getty Images

Canned tuna on whole-wheat crackers

If you don't want to incorporate dairy into every snack, a can of tuna (packaged in water) is another great source of lean protein plus healthy Omega-3s. For about 200 calories, you can enjoy 3 ounces of light tuna and 6 whole-wheat crackers—complete with 3 grams of fiber and 20 grams of protein.

20 Snacks That Burn Fat

What you eat between meals matters more than you think. These choices boost metabolism and help you lose weight fast.
Credit: Jim Bathie

Sunflower lentil spread with pita bread

Lentils are a good source of iron, a metabolism-boosting nutrient that 20% of us don't get enough of. This savory recipe makes four 180-calorie servings, with 10 grams each of protein and fiber.

Try this recipe: Sunflower Lentil Spread

20 Snacks That Burn Fat

What you eat between meals matters more than you think. These choices boost metabolism and help you lose weight fast.
Credit: Travis Rathbone
8 of 22

Power berry smoothie

This recipe, which calls for soy protein powder and low-fat plain yogurt, contains 9 grams of protein; swap in Greek yogurt to add even more. Frozen berries add fiber (4 grams total), and honey provides sweetness. All this for only 139 calories!

Try this recipe: Power Berry Smoothie

for more 
and shared source:

 http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20682477_11,00.html, date accessed 30 December 2014

 Watch five fat burning bodyweight exercises:

fat burning exercises

- Jogging - high knees
- push ups - alternating legs
- jumping jacks
- lunges
- hop right hop left

Lose your belly exercises:

Kettlebell exercise
Full body work out (all muscles) in one exercise. Click this link

Squat Thrust
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bending at your hips and knees, squat down and lower your body until you can place your hands on the floor. Kick your legs backward—into a pushup position—and then immediately reverse the move and quickly stand up from the squat. That's one rep. To make the exercise even more challenging, you can jump up from the squat instead of simply standing up quickly. Watch the video below to see strength coach David Jack do the squat thrust:

Lose Your Belly with Just Two Exercise Moves


A couple of month's ago, Men's Health asked Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S.—one of the world's top trainers—to create a cutting-edge fat loss program for Men's Health. And, of course, he obliged. But a curious thing: One of the workouts in the plan featured just two exercises.
That's right: When asked to create a super-effective, calorie-torching routine, Cosgrove gave us a workout that had readers do only a dumbbell swing and a squat thrust. This confused some folks, who wondered, "How can you lose fat with just two exercises?"
Cosgrove's response: "Running is just one exercise, but no one questions that when it comes to burning fat." (Another great way to lose fat: Avoid the 20 worst drinks in America.)

He makes a good point. And in fact, once you understand the philosophy behind Cosgrove's routine, you start to see why it works so well. But first, an explanation of the actual routine itself.
Here's how it works: You do 15 repetitions of the kettlebell swing (you can also use a dumbbell for this), followed immediately by 15 reps of the squat thrust. (See below for descriptions of both exercises.) Then, without resting, do another 14 reps of the swing and another 14 reps of the squat thrust. Continue this pattern until you complete only one rep of each exercise. This is called a countdown workout.

Sure, that's just two exercises, but do the math: If you complete the entire routine—from 15 down to one— you'll do 120 repetitions of each exercise. That's 240 repetitions. And these aren't just any exercises: They're movements that challenge your entire body.

They're also done at a fast pace. On average, it'll only take you about three seconds per rep. So you'll do those 240 reps in just 12 minutes or so. That'll light your muscles on fire and have you gasping for air (in a good way).

If you think that sounds too easy or too fast, I suggest you try it. You may find you can't even finish. But that's OK—you can just start with a lower number of reps, like eight, and work your way up as you improve your fitness. (In fact, I recommend this strategy.) If you want an even greater challenge, you can always take a breather and repeat the routine.
Remember: Whether you're running or lifting, your muscles require energy to help you move. And this workout forces more of your muscles into action than you'd ever use while jogging for the same duration. It'll also boost your metabolism for hours after your workout.

What's more, unlike jogging, these aren't joint-pounding exercises. So this is actually a "low-impact" workout that you can do at a high intensity, making it ideal for overweight folks. The best part: You can do the routine without even leaving your house since all you need is a single kettlebell or dumbbell. (And for another fast way to fight fat, check out this awesome 9-minute kettlebell workout.)

An important note: This isn't a complete workout program, but it is a great routine that you can do almost anywhere, anytime. And it's a fantastic substitute for 15 minutes on the treadmill.

Kettlebell (or Dumbbell) Swing
Bend at your hips, and hold a kettlebell (or dumbbbell) with both hands at arm’s length in front of you. Now, rock back slightly and “hike” the kettlebell between your legs. Then squeeze your glutes, thrust your hips forward forcefully, and swing the weight to shoulder height. Allow momentum to swing the weight—you're not trying to actively lift it with your arms. Reverse the movement, so that you swing the kettlebell between your legs again. Make sure you don't round your lower back at any time; it should stay naturally arched when you bend at your hips. Continue to swing back and forth. Watch the video below to see fitness expert David Jack show you how to do the kettlebell swing with perfect form:

Video:  Kettlebell exercise

Squat Thrust
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bending at your hips and knees, squat down and lower your body until you can place your hands on the floor. Kick your legs backward—into a pushup position—and then immediately reverse the move and quickly stand up from the squat. That's one rep. To make the exercise even more challenging, you can jump up from the squat instead of simply standing up quickly. Watch the video below to see strength coach David Jack do the squat thrust:

shared source:

www. womenshealthmags.com, date accessed 7 January 2015, (uneditted)
 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study Pyramid

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is one of the largest investigations ever conducted to assess associations between childhood maltreatment and later-life health and well-being. The study is a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kaiser Permanente's Health Appraisal Clinic in San Diego.

More than 17,000 Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) members undergoing a comprehensive physical examination chose to provide detailed information about their childhood experience of abuse, neglect, and family dysfunction. To date, more than 50 scientific articles have been published and more than100 conference and workshop presentations have been made.

The ACE Study findings suggest that certain experiences are major risk factors for the leading causes of illness and death as well as poor quality of life in the United States. It is critical to understand how some of the worst health and social problems in our nation can arise as a consequence of adverse childhood experiences. Realizing these connections is likely to improve efforts towards prevention and recovery.

Learn About the ACE Study

The initial phase of the ACE Study was conducted at Kaiser Permanente from 1995 to 1997. More than 17,000 participants completed a standardized physical examination. No further participants will be enrolled, but we are tracking the medical status of the baseline participants.

About the Study

 about ace

The initial phase of the ACE Study was conducted at Kaiser Permanente from 1995 to 1997, and more than 17,000 participants had a standardized physical examination. No further participants will be enrolled, but we are tracking the medical status of the baseline participants.

Each study participant completed a confidential survey that contained questions about childhood maltreatment and family dysfunction, as well as items detailing their current health status and behaviors. This information was combined with the results of their physical examination to form the baseline data for the study.

The prospective phase of the ACE Study is currently underway, and will assess the relationship between adverse childhood experiences, health care use, and causes of death.

International interest in replications of the ACE Study is growing. At present we are aware of efforts to replicate the ACE Study or use its questionnaire in Canada, China, Jordan, Norway, the Philippines and the United Kingdom. In Puerto Rico, the link between women’s cardiovascular health risks and ACEs has been examined. The World Health Organization has included the ACE Study questionnaires as an addendum to the document Preventing Child Maltreatment: A Guide to Taking Action and Generating Evidence. (October 2006[PDF - 2.44MB]) Additionally, efforts are underway in many municipalities and treatment communities to apply ACE Study findings to improve the health of adult survivors. Notable efforts are included in the "Related links". In 2010, five states collected ACE information on the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS).

More detailed scientific information about the study design can be found in "The Relationship of Adult Health Status to Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction", published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine in 1998, Volume 14, pages 245–258.

shared source: uneditted

 http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/acestudy/about.html, date accessed 30/12/2014

Beauty Benefits of Rose Water

A very romantic flower ‘rose’, since the ancient times it brings a romantic feel to most people though the thorns are a bit to lookout for. Rose has many benefits in food, medicine, occasions, and even in spas it’s one of the famous fragrant use. It has different versions of romantic stories but this one believe to be where rose water originated.

In ancient Persia where the emperor held his royal wedding with the princess who once ordered to fill the imperial fountains with rose water. After their marriage, one day as the royal couple walk along the fountain through the lovely gardens they notice tiny droplets on the surface of the fountain. The empress was curious and intrigued that she touch the tiny droplets and noticed an oily feeling from it, while a beautiful scent emitted from them. These tiny droplets was formed under the warm streaming sun, and this is where it was discovered as rose water along with rose oil in ancient Persia.

Rose Water a flavored water made from steeping rose petals in water, a by-product as the hydrosol portion from the distillation from the rose oil (use mainly for perfumes). The extraction of rose oil is quite expensive because its too delicate. While rose water that can be found in multivitamin stores and supermarkets are artificially made with the combination of different chemicals and preservatives it is believe to be not that effective unlike the pure one. Originally rose water can be homemade by storing fresh petal roses in a jar then filled with water and placed them under the sunlight for a couple of days.

Rose water as Skin Care

These was commonly used in therapeutic preparations especially for the skin. It is believe that in ancient times Cleopatra as the princess of Egypt who has many beauty secret used rose water as face mask. It delayed the aging process of the skin by reducing wrinkles and tightens skin pores. The 100% pure rose water is a great as facial cleanser it does hydrate the skin and moisturize your skin while cleansing it from ditl, oil and other pollutants that can harm the skin. Added to that due to its delicate ingredient it does not cause much irritation as cleansing agent and toner. So from then on Romans also used it in baths.

Rose water as Drinks

Due to its contents like flavonoids, antioxidants, essential vitamins (A, C, D, E & B3), and tannins it is used also in making delicious drinks like mixing rose water syrup with a cup of cold creamy milk. It act as a mild sedative and anti-depressant cause it enhanced mood, relief tensions, and provide a good texture for the skin. There’s a popular milky sweet drink in Malaysia named Bandung which used rose water as the sweetener flavor. Another study stated that Persians also used rose water to soothe and calm the mind by mixing it in iced tea.

Rose Water as Anti-Infection

Due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties is also used in healing or treatment of skin infection like oily or dry scaly skin, dermatitis, inflammation and eczema. You can also apply it on sunburns or use it as a soak when taking a bath, a few drops will do to effect.

Insect bites

And regarding insects it also helps in treating insect bites by cooling it and stop the itchiness feeling thus reduce the risk of inflammation.

Eye Fatigue

Helps in soothing eye stress by gently dipping a cloth in rose water and gently apply unto your eyelids to keep it cool and hydrate that improves the eye fatigue look in your eyes as well.


As one of the treatment use in acne it reduces the inflammation and redness of the skin. A severe swollen pimple can be treated with just a dab of rose water to the affected area. Added to that it prevent scars and getting rid of it by adding sandalwood and lemon juice.


Mostly known perfume is roses scent, just like ingredients used in soaps, shampoos, and air fresheners. Its scent gives a refreshing feel and fragrant eliminating unwanted odor like sweat. Now its also use as room fresheners by different brand names.

Hair Care

Another product demand this time, rose water in shampoos. Just like it gives soothing effect not only to our nostrils but also gives nourishment to our hair and scalp. It is believe that that improves the health of our hair from roots to tips revitalizing every single part of our hair and skin. It is also used now as natural hair spray, that can also help in hair loss, conditioner, and helps avoiding frizzy hair.

shared source:

www.wellnessbin.com, date accessed 30/12/2014, (unedittted)

How to Incorporate Coconut Oil Into Your Diet

How to Incorporate Coconut Oil Into Your Diet

Home / Daily Health Tips / 4 Best Vitamins to Boost Brain Power

4 Best Vitamins to Boost Brain Power

If you feel like you’re lacking in brain power, the problem may lie in your diet. Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining top brain function, and it is possible that you simply aren’t getting enough brain vitamins in your daily meals. In this regard, you may want to supplement or adjust your diet to include more vitamins, specifically those that benefit the brain. Here are four vitamins that can help improve brain power and short-term memory, and boost your overall cognitive performance.

1. Folic Acid

Folic acid controls the levels of homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is known to damage brain cells when at elevated levels, so adequate supplementation with folic acid is strongly advised if you lack brain power. Folic acid has also been reported to improve short-term memory and alertness. If you take folic acid, you will feel more mentally alert, instead of being sluggish and lethargic.

You can find folic acid supplements in most local drugstores. Foods rich in folic acid include leafy green vegetables and legumes, such as beans and lentils.

2. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in maintaining the health of your nerve cells. This vitamin boosts the production of myelin, which sheathes your nerve fibers and helps insulate against the brain’s electrical impulses. This is incredibly important, as many mental health problems arise from the misfiring of nerve cells that lack the protective myelin sheaths.

Supplementation with vitamin B12 has been found to improve depressive moods and increase mental alertness. Research has also found that vitamin B12 can prevent memory loss, making it an incredibly useful tool for enhancing brain power.

Vitamin B12 is found primarily in meats, such as poultry, fish, pork and beef. If you are a vegetarian, you may opt to take vitamin supplements found in drugstores, or try out cereals that are fortified with vitamin B12. Spirulina, a type of algae, is also believed to contain vitamin B12.

3. Vitamin C
Atoms and molecules known as free radicals can damage your brain cells. They are often a byproduct of chemical reactions in your body that involve oxygen. In order to counteract this problem, you will need to take an adequate amount of antioxidants, which help eliminate free radicals from your system.
Vitamin C is one of the most readily available antioxidants in the market. Making sure you get enough vitamin C in your diet will help improve your brain’s overall performance. You can find vitamin C in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including oranges and legumes.

4. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another antioxidant that helps protect your brain and nerve cells from potential damage. Researchers have found that supplementing a diet with vitamin E can delay the progress of Alzheimer’s disease, or help prevent it altogether. In fact, a lot of other brain disorders can be prevented simply by protecting the brain with antioxidants.

You can find vitamin E in leafy green vegetables, nuts, grains and sweet potatoes. Your local drug or health food store should also be selling this popular vitamin supplement.

Source:  3fatchicks.com (shared source- unedited), date accessed 30/12/12014

New study: Sleep loss = Weight gain (and tons of other diseases)

New study: Sleep loss = Weight gain (and tons of other diseases)

How do you detox after the Holiday overindulging? Find out:

"Dr. Oz’s Holiday Detox, Pt 1

Originally aired on 12/09/2013
After over indulging how do you detox?  Lean how to de-bloat, rebalance your blood sugar and remove fat toxins and boost your metabolism with Dr. Oz’s two-day plan. For the video click on the link:

Holiday Detox

Detox chart:

another detox:

Dr. Oz's 3-Day Detox Cleanse One-Sheet

48 hours detox more from Dr Oz"

Dr. Oz's 48-Hour Weekend Cleanse

Be sure to print the complete shopping list in order to prepare all the recipes that accompany this plan!

The practice of detoxifying the body to rid it of unhealthy toxins has been around for centuries. Hippocrates recommended fasting to improve health, and many religious groups have historically used fasting as a way of purifying the spirit.

Today the marketplace is cluttered with detox diets that promise to help you lose weight, boost your energy levels and more. However, many popular detox diets, especially those that involve extreme low-calorie fasting, can rob the body of important nutrients and place the body in starvation mode, which actually slows your metabolism. Other downsides of many detox diets include: dehydration, fatigue, dizziness, nausea and even colon damage.

The Body’s Detox SystemOftentimes people don’t realize that the body has its own extraordinary internal detoxification system. Here’s a brief look at three critical organs involved:

The Liver: Your first line of defense against toxins is your liver, which acts like a filter in preventing toxic substances contained in foods from passing into your blood stream. The Colon: This organ has bacteria that produce both healthy and unhealthy chemicals. You want to keep your colon flowing regularly since its main role is to flush out toxic chemicals before they can do you any harm.   The Kidneys: Like clockwork, the kidneys are constantly filtering your blood and getting rid of toxins in the form of urine.

For a detox diet to truly work, you need to maintain these three key organs by nourishing your body with the right nutrients. Dr. Oz’s 48-Hour Weekend Cleanse is based upon eating certain “detoxifying” foods that will keep these systems running smoothly. The plan couldn’t be simpler to follow so you’re not always focused on what to eat next. You'll need to prepare and eat the following meals and snacks two days in a row. To get ready for the weekend cleanse, print out the complete cleanse shopping list and make a trip to the supermarket. Get the shopping list here. Dr. Oz’s 48-Hour Weekend Cleanse

Breakfast: Quinoa With PrunesStart your morning off with a bowl of quinoa; this healthy whole grain is also a complete protein, and it’s high in phosphorus and fiber. Top it with prunes; they’re high in fiber and sorbitol, a chemical that acts like a laxative.

Ingredients 1/2 cup quinoa, rinsed1 cup water1 pinch nutmeg1 tsp grated ginger1 tbsp flaxseed oil1/3 cup chopped prunes1/4 cup rice milk

Get the complete recipe here. Snack Items: Detox DrinksEnjoy these healthy pick-me-ups in between meals throughout the day.
Kale, Pineapple and Ginger Detox Drink (Juicer required)This purifying beverage contains kale to cleanse the kidneys; pineapple, which has bromelain to aid digestion; and ginger to help stimulate bile flow in your gall bladder.

Ingredients1/2 cup pineapple2 large cucumbers1 bunch kale without stems (4 cups chopped)1/2 lemon, squeezed1/4 inch of ginger1 bunch of mint (1/2 cup)

Pineapple, Lemon and Pomegranate Blend-Free Detox DrinkIf you don’t have a juicer to make the first drink, mix up this easy detox concoction with ready-made juices and cut with water.

Ingredients3/4 cup unsweetened pineapple juice 1 lemon1 cup unsweetened pomegranate juice3 cups water
Get the complete juice recipes here.  Alternate: Veggie SnackSlice and mix together celery, radishes and cucumber, or any assortment of fresh vegetables. Dress with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Put this crunchy cleansing treat in plastic baggies or a portable container so you can take it with you on the run. You can have as much of this snack as you want throughout the day.

Lunch: Fruit SmoothieIn a blender, whip up a nourishing smoothie that contains blueberries, loaded with quercetin, a flavonoid that boosts immunity and is good for your liver; bananas, full of vitamin B6, an essential vitamin for liver detoxification; and ground flaxseed, packed with brain-nourishing omega-3s and fiber for healthy elimination.

Ingredients½ cup almond or hemp milk (plain/unsweetened)1 tablespoon ground flaxseed or chia¼ cup frozen blueberries¼ banana½ cup ice

Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. 

Dinner: Vegetable Broth Soup This purifying broth contains fennel to help bile flow in your gallbladder; garlic to help with liver and gall bladder function; cabbage, excellent for detoxification in both the liver and kidneys; and shitake mushrooms to boost liver enzymes. Serve soup with a side of sauerkraut with sliced apples. Sauerkraut contains probiotics, the good bacteria that protect your GI tract. Make sure to use traditionally fermented sauerkraut to get the greatest health benefits. Apples boost both kidney and liver function.
Vegetable Broth Ingredients2 red onions, roughly chopped2 stalks celery, roughly chopped1 fennel bulb, fronds and stalks included, roughly chopped2 tsp caraway seeds2 tsp sea saltFreshly ground pepper1 cup sliced shitake caps4 large cloves garlic, chopped1 cabbage, roughly chopped2 quarts water2 tbsp paprika2 tbsp fresh oregano, chopped8 sprigs parsley, chopped stems and leaves1/2 cup parsley, chopped
Get the complete recipe here. To get the most out of Dr. Oz’s 48-Hour Weeekend Cleanse, be sure to follow these rules:

No Eating After 7 p.m.Take an Epsom Salt Bath: This therapeutic bath will help you sweat out toxins and also contains magnesium to relax your muscles as well.Dandelion Root Tea: Before bed, enjoy a cup of dandelion root tea, an excellent way for your liver to excrete toxins from your body.

The Liver

Dark berries such as blueberries and blackberries will make it easier for your liver to get rid of certain toxins.Hot peppers have capsaicin, which boosts enzymes responsible for detoxifying the liver. As a rule, the hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin.

The Colon
Whole grains contain phosphorous, a natural laxative, and fiber to help bulk up your stools.Fermented foods like kimchi (Korean spicy pickled cabbage) and sour pickles are packed with probiotics, the good bacteria that help protect your colon.

The Kidneys

Soy products such as miso, tofu and edamame all act like diuretics, allowing you to urinate more often.Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, bok choy and broccoli increase your kidney’s ability to transport toxins into the urine and help liver cells recover from detox.

Shared from:  www.doctoroz.com, date accessed 29 December 2014

One thing you need to drastically stop down aging

 Watch Dr Oz advise on how to slow down aging:

 Dr Oz - 1-thing-you-need-drastically-stop-down-aging

paleo-solution-pain diet

Benefits of taking lemon water every morning

12 Great Reasons You Should Drink Warm Lemon Water Every Morning

Are you looking for an easy way to improve your overall health? Then you should look no further because drinking lemon water every morning is a simple routine to get into and will have tremendous effects on your health.
There are so many health benefits of lemons that have been known for years. Lemon’s most important benefits are their strong antibacterial, antiviral, immune-boosting powers and their use as a weight loss aid. Lemons are also packed with vitamin C, B, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, enzymes, antioxidants, and fibers.
So wait no more and jump start your day with this incredibly simple morning routine.


  • Lukewarm water (not scalding hot)
  • Use fresh lemons (Organic if possible, not bottled lemon juice)
  • Squeeze 1/2 a lemon with each glass and drink it first thing in the morning before you eat a single thing or workout.

12 Benefits to Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning:

1) Promotes Better Digestion

Lemon juice flushes out unwanted materials and toxins from the body. It’s atomic composition is similar to saliva and the hydrochloric acid of digestive juices. It encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that is required for digestion.

Lemons are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract. The digestive qualities of lemon juice help to relieve symptoms of indigestion, such as heartburn, belching and bloating. The American Cancer Society actually recommends offering warm lemon water to cancer sufferers to help stimulate bowel movements.

2) Cleanses Your System and is a Diuretic

Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials in part because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Therefore toxins are released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy. The citric acid in lemons helps maximize enzyme function, which stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification.

3) Boosts Your Immune System

Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds. They’re high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) found in lemons demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects, and is used as complementary support for asthma and other respiratory symptoms plus it enhances iron absorption in the body; iron plays an important role in immune function.
Lemons also contain saponins, which show antimicrobial properties that may help keep cold and flu at bay. Lemons also reduce the amount of phlegm produced by the body.

4) Balances pH Levels

Lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. Sure, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they’re alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). Lemons contain both citric and ascorbic acid, weak acids easily metabolized from the body allowing the mineral content of lemons to help alkalize the blood.
Disease states only occur when the body pH is acidic. Drinking lemon water regularly can help to remove overall acidity in the body, including uric acid in the joints, which is one of the primary causes of pain and inflammation.

5) Clears Skin

The vitamin C component as well as other antioxidants helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes and it helps to combat free radical damage. Vitamin C is vital for healthy glowing skin while its alkaline nature kills some types of bacteria known to cause acne. It can actually be applied directly to scars or age spots to help reduce their appearance.
Since lemon water purges toxins from your blood, it would also be helping to keep your skin clear of blemishes from the inside out. The vitamin C contained in the lemon rejuvenates the skin from within your body.

6) Energizes and Enhances Your Mood

The energy a human receives from food comes from the atoms and molecules in your food. A reaction occurs when the positive charged ions from food enter the digestive tract and interact with the negative charged enzymes. Lemon is one of the few foods that contain more negative charged ions, providing your body with more energy when it enters the digestive tract. The scent of lemon also has mood enhancing and energizing properties. The smell of lemon juice can brighten your mood and help clear your mind. Lemon can also help reduce anxiety and depression.

7) Promotes Healing

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), found in abundance in lemons, promotes wound healing, and is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of healthy bones, connective tissue, and cartilage. As noted previously, vitamin C also displays anti-inflammatory properties. Combined, vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of good health and recovery from stress and injury.

8) Freshens Breath

Besides fresher breath, lemons have been known to help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis. Be aware that citric acid can erode tooth enamel, so you should be mindful of this. No not brush your teeth just after drinking your lemon water. It is best to brush your teeth first, then drink your lemon water, or wait a significant amount of time after to brush your teeth. Additionally, you can rinse your mouth with purified water after you finish your lemon water.

9) Hydrates Your Lymph System

Warm water and lemon juice supports the immune system by hydrating and replacing fluids lost by your body. When your body is deprived of water, you can definitely feel the side effects, which include: feeling tired, sluggish, decreased immune function, constipation, lack of energy, low/high blood pressure, lack of sleep, lack of mental clarity and feeling stressed, just to name a few.

10) Aids in Weight Loss

Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. Studies have shown people who maintain a more alkaline diet, do in fact lose weight faster. I personally find myself making better choices throughout the day, if I start my day off right, by making a health conscious choice to drink warm lemon water first thing every morning.

11) Boost Brain Power

The high levels of potassium and magnesium show beneficial effects on our brain and nerve health. Lemon water can give you the boost you need to fight depression and stress. It creates mental clarity and more focus, making it a great drink for students or people with busy and stressful jobs.

12) Anti-cancer

Lemon’s antioxidants not only protect your skin from ageing, but also reduce the risk of several types of cancer. They are great in neutralizing acids as well. Cancer loves to grow in an acidic environment. Alkalizing your body may stop cancer cells to grow and may reduce the risk of getting cancer in the first place.
Please share your favorite benefits when drinking warm lemon water every morning.

shared source:  uneditted:  www.wellnesbin.com

Benefits of spices

Home / Featured / Powerful Spices That Heal: Cancer, Diabetes, and More

Powerful Spices That Heal: Cancer, Diabetes, and More

There is good reason for the season: Doctors and nutritionists agree that the same can be used as your medicine cabinet essential spice rack, when it comes to the prevention and treatment of disease. Research consistently shows that many spices and herbs have medicinal value, can help prevent everything from cancer to the common cold. We asked experts Glen Aukerman, MD, at Ohio State University Medical Center of Integrative Medicine Center Medical Director, and Dr. Ruth Knill, Latin America and the Caribbean, China TCM spices and herbs, the best improvement in overall health. Here are their picks, plus an easy way to work them into your diet.

1. Cumin: prevention of cancer

Working principle is: It is not surprising that many spices lower incidence of cancer researchers in India, cumin is a staple food. Research shows that this spice curcumin inhibited enzymes that help cancer cells invade healthy tissue, but also to the development of new tumor blood vessels, helping them grow. Trying to get: 6 teaspoons of seeds or powder 1/2 teaspoon one day. Use it: Toss a bowl of root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, parsnips, cauliflower, radish, with olive oil and 1 teaspoon cumin powder. Bake at 300 degrees 25 minutes or until tender and add salt, pepper and chopped parsley to taste before serving.

2. Ginger: nausea, sedation

Works: Chinese medical texts dating back to the fourth century BC tout ginger antiemetic properties, and modern clinical research to provide scientific evidence that it works in the substance ginger Close nerve receptors in the body triggers the vomiting reflex. Try to get juice 1 tablespoon fresh ginger 1/2 teaspoon dried ginger four times a day. Use it: Add 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger and your usual tuna salad recipe Asian style grilled taste a few drops of sesame oil.

3. Basil: Fight colds

How it works: Basil is rich in antioxidants that help enhance immunity. It is also an antibacterial, against the bacteria that can cause a cold. Try to get: 1 to 2 tablespoons per day. Use it: In the past three to five minutes of cooking into a shrimp stir-fry, add 1 tablespoon chopped basil. Or sliced ​​strawberries, honey, toss, and set aside for 15 minutes until juicy. Then top with a few tablespoons of chopped basil.

4. Cinnamon: Fight Diabetes

Working principle is: people with type 2 diabetes have difficulty processing insulin tells the cell from the blood to remove excess sugars, hormones. But studies show that cinnamon contains a substance that can help cells to insulin. The result? Blood glucose levels decreased from 18 to 29 percent of average, according to a recent study in Pakistan. Try to get: 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (or bar) one day. Use it: Mix 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, add 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, as well as all over the apple slices.

5. Rosemary: improve memory

How it works: “There is rosemary, which is to commemorate the” Ophelia Hamlet says more than 400 years ago. Today, a variety of studies back up Ophelia requirements. Rosemary ursolic acid inhibited a neurotransmitter essential for memory failure. Try to get: 1 to 2 teaspoons per day. Use it: rosemary into a simple syrup mixed water 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup, 2 sprigs rosemary. Bring to boil, dissolve the sugar and let sit 10-15 minutes. In an autumn fruit salad with chopped apples, pears, red grapes drizzle. Use 1 cup syrup to 4 cups fruit.

6. Garlic: lower cholesterol

How it works: Although researchers do not agree on how to reduce cholesterol garlic really, comments Pauling Institute conducted several studies found that 6-11%, total cholesterol garlic people who three months. Because garlic is an antioxidant that can prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries. Try to get: 3-5 crushed cloves one day. Use it to bake a 5 garlic cloves, homemade hummus before adding whipped.

7. Nutmeg: lower blood pressure

How it works: “Climate warming” spices like cardamom can put blood from the center of the body skin. This helps more evenly distributed throughout the body of blood, reducing the overall pressure. Try to get: 1/2 to 1 tsp. Use it: Steam 1, broccoli and potatoes until soft, then use 1/4 cup butter and 4-5 grating of fresh nutmeg or 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg puree.

8. Cloves: Helps Arthritis Pain

How it works: According to Chinese medicine, cloves have hot and moving performance, reduce pain caused by arthritis cold and stagnation. Cloves contain a phytochemical that interrupts the pathway in the human body protein complex and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. Try to get: 1/2 tsp. Use it: Panji 1 cup fresh parsley (chopped), 1 clove garlic (crushed), 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon cloves. After 3 minutes, add 4 cups chopped rhubarb chard, and fry until soft and tender, about 5 minutes. Serve hot with chicken or fish.

9. Turmeric: curb inflammation

Working principle is: an ancient spice, so deep golden orange curry, turmeric reduces the body, causing pain and inflammation. Curcumin, a component of turmeric, inhibit enzymes, help inflammation. Try to get: 1/2 to 1 tsp. Use it to add a dash of organic canned soups, such as tomatoes, lentils, black beans varieties.

10. Thyme: Reducing cough

How it works: Thyme is a spasm, which helps bouts of coughing, uninterrupted. Thyme corrosion resistance also makes it very effective against inflammation of the throat, can cause coughing. Try to get: 2 to 3 teaspoons daily. Use it: For a simple vinaigrette, whisk together 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves, 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar, 1 teaspoon honey, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

shared source: www.healthdigest.com

Healthy eating over Christmas

Zucchini & Squash Fries (w/ honey mustard garlic dip)

Ever had those super lazy days, when you just lay there on your couch all day, in your pajamas still, and you’re basically just one click away from ordering fast food? You haven’t had anything for breakfast and lunch yet, and you swear you can already taste the rich flavors of fast food in your mouth, because hunger has opened the gates to hallucinations.. Stop right there and drop that phone now! Close that online delivery browser at once!

We have just the right recipe that will surely save your diet and your money. And plus, it tastes like fast food without the excess calories! ;)


  • 1 whole zucchini, sliced into fries size
  • A quarter or of squash, sliced into fries size (or whatever shape you want, who cares!)
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs
  • 1cup flour
  • 2 tablespoons Cajun powder or more
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg , beaten
  • Canola oil for deep frying


  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 3 tablespoons mustard
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder/ or one fresh garlic, crushed
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Mix the Cajun powder and salt with the flour
  2. Standard breading procedure. Always remember the acronym FEB, which stands for Flour-Egg-Breadcrumbs. This means, you coat the veg with the flour first, then egg, then breadcrumbs.
  3. Let’s get ready to fry! (You can also bake them for a healthier option)
  4. Mix all the ingredients for the dip and you’re set! Eat them while they’re warm and crispy. Sprinkle extra Cajun spice and salt if you want ;)

What is Canola oil?

The name “canola” was chosen by the board of the Rapeseed Association of Canada in the 1970s. The “Can” part stands for Canada and “ola” refers to oil. However, a number of sources, including dictionaries, continue to claim it stands for “Can(ada)+o(il)+l(ow)+a(cid). The name was coined partially to avoid the negative connotations of rape. /Source: Wikipedia

Why use Canola oil? Well:

Canola oil is low in saturated fat and contains both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in a ratio of 2:1. If consumed, it also reduces low-density lipoprotein and overall cholesterol levels, and as a significant source of the essential omega-3 fatty acid is associated with reduced all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. /Source: Wikipedia

Original Recipe by: Jyau Agenar
jyaenJyau Agenar is a recent culinary school graduate. She likes to experiment with food a lot, especially when home alone. She draws a lot of inspiration from her favorite Chefs, and their respective food and travel shows. She likes meeting new people, exploring and understanding foreign cultures and food, and dreams to become a professional world-traveler chef/writer someday.

shared source: http://www.1mrecipes.com/zucchini-squash-fries-w-honey-mustard-garlic-dip/ (unedited)


Do you have an inner critic. Find out on the video"

Do you have an inner critic

shared source:

www.https://www.eckharttolletv.com/p/v716pc, date accessed 7 December 2014

Benefits of Turmeric


6 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World`s Most Important Herb

There is a medicinal spice so timelessly interwoven with the origins of human culture and metabolism, so thoroughly supported by modern scientific inquiry, as to be unparalleled in its proven value to human health and well-being.

Indeed, turmeric turns the entire drug-based medical model on its head.  Instead of causing far more side effects than therapeutic ones, as is the case for most patented pharmaceutical medications, turmeric possesses hundreds of potential side benefits, having been empirically demonstrated to positively modulate over 160 different physiological pathways in the mammalian body.

While no food or herb is right for everyone, and everything has the potential for unintended, adverse side effects, turmeric is truly unique in its exceptionally high margin of safety vis-à-vis the drugs it has been compared with, e.g. hydrocortisoneibuprofenchemotherapy agents. Furthermore, nothing within the modern-day pharmaceutical armamentarium comes even remotely close to turmeric’s 6,000 year track record of safe use in Ayurvedic medicine.

Despite its vast potential for alleviating human suffering, turmeric will likely never receive the FDA stamp of approval, due to its lack of exclusivity, patentability and therefore profitability. Truth be told, the FDA’s “gold standard” for proving the value of a prospective medicinal substance betrays the age old aphorism: “he who owns the gold makes the rules,” and unless an investor is willing to risk losing the 800+ million dollars that must be spent upfront, the FDA-required multi-phased double-blind, randomized clinical trials will not occur.
In GreenMedInfo.com, they have reviewed over 5,000 study abstracts from the National Library of Medicine’s bibliographic database known as MEDLINE and have discovered over 600 potential health benefits of turmeric, and/or its primary polyphenol known as curcumin.

Some of the most amazing demonstrated properties include:
  • Destroying Multi-Drug Resistant Cancer
  • Destroying Cancer Stem Cells (arguably, the root of all cancer)
  • Protecting Against Radiation-Induced Damage
  • Reducing Unhealthy Levels of Inflammation
  • Protecting Against Heavy Metal Toxicity
  • Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease Associated Pathologies
Again, what is so amazing is not that turmeric may have value in dozens of health conditions simultaneously, or that it may improve conditions that are completely resistant to conventional treatment, but that there are over six hundred additional health conditions it may also be valuable in preventing and/or treating. Consider also the fact that turmeric grows freely on the Earth, and you will understand why its very existence threatens billions of dollars in pharmaceutical industry revenue

Learn more about this research in the video  (keeping in mind that it is several years old and needing some updating), and please spread the information to others who may benefit from learning more on the topic).
source:  www.ideadigest.com, date accessed 7 December 2014 (uneditted)

What do you do when things fall apart? Find out...

Supersoulsunday live stream are currently on a break for the season.  However, there are replays going on every sunday. Catch up with last sundays repeat episode on:


Very informative based on the book:-  When things fall apart by Pema Chodron (Budhist teacher)

What do you do when things fall apart to recove and avoid getting addicted to bad habits eg alcholism, overeating, anger and rage?

(realtime transcript - hence non-verbertim)

Interview of Pema Chodran author of “When things fall apart - Heart advice for living better” by Oprah
Repeated interview on 7 December 2014

"One way to get rid of suffering is practicing – compassionate abiding – is a practice where one is suffering one might say first –locate it in your body, and just feel it completely as you can, what is going on at that moment.  Then in deep breath, breath it all in breath in the suffering, all the unwanted, the suffering.  Buddhism.  – Oprah thought of suffering like a sufuuuuuuuuuuufruing like your child is suffering.  But you might not now but you suffer in different ways.  The work suffering is used in association with something tragic, war, death of a loved one. When Pema uses the word suffering she is talking of disturbing times that give us anxiety, or despair, e.g. conflict in family, loss of job, or when life is not going your way.  When uncomfortable, insecure.  Or discontent.

When you are in discontent and recognize it and want to get rid of it.  Instead of drinking, yelling or eating instead you breath it in, or use an image as if you are breathing it in to your heart and your heart gets bigger and you feel your heart getting bigger and bigger , no matter how big it is you give it more space then you open it to what it is.  First accept that what has happened has happened – breathing is like being with it and fully accepting.  Instead of trying to resisting and putting it away.  It feels like a rock, as if your whole body was cleansed it as you are so miserable.  And breathe it and let the stomach open and heart open it’s like you are going, I surrender and breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply. And if you do 10 breaths go ahead.  But it is on the medium allowing it and embracing it even more.  This is compassionate abiding wit h yourself.   When you breath in you recognize all over the world right now in the past and future people are gonna feel exactly what you are feeling now rejected, not being in love, insecure, fear , rage.  

 Then human beings have always been feeling so you breathe in for everyone so you embrace it. By knowing and having a great friendship with yourself it gets to being compassionate for others and it is important as again it is the first step to fully accept where you are.  Everyone tries to run away for suffering, it is like evading it.  This is it be with it.  You wanna it to go away.  She spends a lot of time.  Trying to encourage people to try and feel the pain when suffering.  Allow yourself to be fully human.  Human beings don’t just feel good.  Have you noticed that and animals too we just don’t feel good.  The richness of life involves what's  good and bad, happy and sad and so happy could be winning that pp don’t have too much problem but as soon as you get near something that feels uncomfortable , substance abuse and all types of addictions come from that.  All are violence, domestic violence and violence with kids all comes from that as everyone is trying to feel good and they do terrible things.  To try and avoid the tears they can’t be with and they reach out externally to do that. 

Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth. – Wow.  It is good.  She meant
Fear comes with not knowing what is gonna happen, the unknown, not knowing that will happen next.  In the teachings, Shambala, shambolic.  If you don’t know the nature of fear, don’t know what fear feels like then you can never be fearless.  (Take this in) great quote.

Fear we are talking about all the manifestations of fear i.e. jealous rage, anxiety, rage is fear to the 10th power, loneliness.(exercise –walk yourself 6 yrs old and walk home from school and to the window and look at what you see) .  What do you feel?  Oprah felt lonely so did Pema, when she was about 20 years ago. When everyone left her.  No one can help you out of it you have to be lonely and relate and then you will never feel lonely again as she realized that those other people’s lives were fixed.  She thought about death and that will be alone and certainly will do alone its yours and you go by yourself. 

She thinks death is – she is not afraid of it as she thinks it is a transition.  She thinks but is ready to be surprised if it is different.  She thinks as one goes to sleep at night and there is a dream world when you die you enter into a, everything continues and you end up born again and life goes on.  Merrily xxxxx

Craving is getting over and loosing yourself in that moment of stress, e.g. I didn’t get the grade I wanted.  Disappointed you get taken over by that and you feel like you are that.  That is what shampa is.

Shampa is a feeling of being hooked.  Remove yourself from the situation, go for a walk when things get intense e.g. if you lose your job, give yourself some space and  go to a library or a park where no one talks to you and be right there with the feeling without trying to run away from it.  Walk in the beach alone with it and then this is hard, for meditation helps.  Notice your thoughts and how you are talking-to yourself and how it is about either you are wrong or they are wrong, self hatred what did I do, why me, blame blame husband, teacher who gave you the grade. Notice your thinking and come back to being present, come back to the observer, observe the thought and notice you are the observer and you are not the thought and come back to the immediacy of your thought rather than coming back as the observer. It is not like so much about self but about genuine experience of the present.  Touch the chair, feel the warmth of the cup.  So be aware of everything in the present moment, bring yourself to the present moment. 

 Interesting, when you turn from the unwanted, unpleasant feeling it transforms you to some kind of way, you own them and what happens people connect with the fact that they are basically good.  You are not messed up or broken but you r are fundamentally wrong.  Am a good person why did this happen to me and some people lose their faith coz of issue’s ... God you did do what I asked……Nothing wrong has happened here, e.g. lost job, life is pointing you to another direction another opportunity and the very LEAST It is AN OOPPORUTNITY TO REALLY START WELCOME THOSE STUCK ACTIVATED PAINFUL FEELINGS AND ITS HAPPENING SO GO THERE AND WILL GO THERE.  So the lowing job failure of any kind, what it gets to is at the core of it you feel messed up and you are a mess.  And that is the ego, shampa, the attachment is to that but if you say, let’s make friends rather than to call bad and being friend is knowing 100% that and don’t reject it, that is how you begin to become an egoless person.  The fixating ad ego, is coz we feel we have something to protect and don’t wanna feel that way.   If people can embrace or handle their nervious system to hold the discontent then there is a chance of letting the evolution happen.
Book = when things fall apart  by Pema Chodron – budhist spiritiual teacher"


www.facebook.com/supersoulsunday = video app, repeated on 7 December 2014


Empowering Parents

Raising Happiness

Greater Good In Brief


What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16

MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience

"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Good. Fr . Raniero,

(Pope Francis, Holy Thursday,
24 March 2016)

Sunday Night Prime

Dr Creflo Dollar - Live Streaming Event