Video:  craving-killers-shut-down-your-appetite#cmpid=em123014

How to cut down your cravings.

1.   Sugar cravings

This is caused by taking sugars at the wrong time eg in the morning.  Instead have a balanced meal with protein, high fibre carbs and fats eg avacado.  Have small meals every three hours.

2     How to cut down your carb cravings

       Carbs calm us but they are not meant to do so.  They mimic a raised dopamine hormone but that is not  their functions.  What can actually raise up your dopamine levels is red chilly peppers.  Add half a tea spoon of red chilli peppers to your meal and your dopamine will raise up.

3   To cut down on your salt craving and reduce your appetitie use"

  •          a herb from India known as Carabulla Frannulla.
source:, date accessed 2 January 2015.


Empowering Parents

Raising Happiness

Greater Good In Brief


What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16

MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience

"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Good. Fr . Raniero,

(Pope Francis, Holy Thursday,
24 March 2016)

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