Oprah's -interview to Father Richard Rohr - the author of the search of our true self...(last week's episode)

(errors to be edited later, due to following of today's 15th February episode)

There is a true self and a false self.

The false self is your personal, education, sexual oritientation.  It is the answer we give when asked " who are you"?

There is a true self - follow through, you dont create it ,it is there it is called the Soul- as religiton calls it

The soul is according to the Zein masters , is the facde you had befor eyou were born.  

God is more of a verb than a nown.   Is being itself.  means the gorund of being that whch fills everyintign and connects evernting He is not a being but BEING ITSLEF THE gorunding of all beings.  You can only see that when you see it is all connected.

Our true identify is who we are and no one can take from you.  Our true self is our soul includes our embodiment.

tHE TRUe self includes the body.
How do we continue to live in the space of the true self...

can we sustain living our true self.

Living in the now you cant do it in every hour.   the pastor says he lives what he teaches.  there are moment he is angry etc but has to adminit it is the strugle with the false self that reveals the true self.

Our culture obsession with success is out "Success is  your early window dressing it is hardly your true self.  It gives you your momentum"

tge only ture success is your dna is xxxxxxxxxxxx  It is that which is given by god.  No one can take away your dignity.  If you are more moral, read bible more, you create successed

Uto age 30 you need success after that all you learn is form huminliatio, rejection, failurure that is when your soul expands. 

Authentic power- when personality serves the purpose of the sould, no one can take it from you.  I fyou are relly on your beauty, success etc it will all die at some point. 

How do we get to our true self?

It is a mater of leting go our false selft. eg father if he is disrespected, he gets offended and asks what part of you is offended is the faulse self as the ture self cannot be ofended.  So thats how to recognised when you get offende dyou are living in the false self. 

eg when you say so and so dissed me etc that is always the false.  It happens that you are hurt but that is the false self

Perfectionism is seeking th efalse self it is a mathematical concept. Humans anre imperfect otherwise you woundnt be here on earth. We cannot resolve it totally we can relieve it we live in an imperfect world but it breaks our heart.

We were given such opportuntites but we never have a chance to live our lives. 

We us a spicies we have everytining we need.  We suffer as we let others suffer and contriute.  We are complacant in the suffering of the world.

We are inlove or addicted with the status even when it is killing us......to continue.

Our false self appears we are addicted to the stuas quo even when it is killing us.  Fr francis says the church is not antixxxxxxx society.  We are in love with the past, keeping things as they were.  God is in love with the future.  In the name of Jesus, God is futuristic.  why do we fear change.  We are afaraid of leting go.  and are good at holding on.  We hold on to th enegative it is hard to hold on to joy.  We can hallow it it but our identify is victimhoom.  When you dont need to play victim we are free. You dont need to blame another race, relitiion, country or person.  At that time you are living in the false self.  Unlearning an dieying in the not physical, i.e lettig of your success project, we create our priviate salvation, that which makes you  beautifual and admired, reshape it , thi sis dying on earth.  - relearn a new normal , the old normal has to fall apart you dont have to fo ghere willinging.  wen eg divorcing and thinking it is the worse and then you go thorugh it and realise this is better. and get over it and feel this is better.  this is the way the self expands. 

why do we have to expand through this way. why not thorugh happiness.   This is how God designed it.  Life is about suffering.  I fyou dont suffer you will trasform it to tyour family, friends etc.

You suffer when you are not in control.  

If you can learn that it is ok even if you cant get your own way that is freedom.  Erchart - stress - be in the present moment and acknowledge what is, and be with it you find some level of true self. It can be content right there.

What is this yearning for more in the world?   

Falling in love you have to take the risk of changing yourself for this person. and that is why lots of relationships don't last.  If you dont give your partner the power to change you then you dont love them.  If you give yourslef to that other person do you becaome your ture self.  If it is muture or not, marriages pulls people down.  Marriage is for the purpose of spiritual gowoth someone who lets your grow to the fully potential of self. not just honeymoon but it has to expand. Taking care of each other is not enough as love ought to expand by allowing the other to reach their full potential

Yearning and whanting more - people are not aware, Do we come in longing. Yes, as all spiritial knowledge is intuitively so. 

Discovering self and finding God is parallel.  

Silence, rest is a touch stone to get back to that place t find out who you are in God instead of what your successes are.  Great practice, finding silence and honoring that in everything.

spirituality is the journey -e.g i believe coz the bible says, it is experiencial - It is the way to the moon but not the moon.

Religion is -  the best place to hide from God.  Egocentric people, (superiority) is to make God your small commodity to some people use it to feel superior so it becomes a hinderance. 

page 125

Our true self remains untouched: - Pope Francis is so simple. 

How can you walk to the path of the true self?



God loves you coz God is good not because you are good.  so you dont need to proove it. by doing this and that much.   This is radical Grace. 

Hs books leads peope to devine nature.

He knows for sure he is an ordinaly man given a gift and knows that God can give honorarbly gift to anyone. 

Advice on how to walk the path to ture selft - dont take your successes too seriously or take yourslef too seriously, negative or positive drive us to falseness. 

God went on a fast to stripp himselve down of the humanity and things of live.  It is resting.

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Edits later, as todays episode is about to start....  



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What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16

MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience

"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Good. Fr . Raniero,

(Pope Francis, Holy Thursday,
24 March 2016)

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