Lifeskills on how to discover our truest happiness

Life skills from the insightful interview of best-seller author and travel writer Pico Lyer with Oprah on March 8 2015 – Author of  “The art of Stillness”-    about bringing stillness into our lives, discovering our truest happiness and finding balance when making a living and how making a life sometimes point us in opposite directions.

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Video link to the full episode:


available two weeks after lifestream (from 8 March 2015)

-        Stillness and kindness are some peoples religion or believe

-       Taking time off seems selfish but it is through collecting ourselves that we can give our loves ones our better self.

Interview:  “non verbatim due to real-time transcript” 

True happiness can be found within not without (travel etc) by being still and listening to self.  Look through your backyard and not any further.

Pico Lyer has been to every corner of the world and yet he found what he need was stillness within himself.  

Mr. Pico Lyer was caught up in the day to day life and did not know if it was real happiness or not.  He thought at 29 years old that he needed to get out of it i.e. of himself.  At that age his consciousness was at a different level – that young.  While on a visit to Asia, he saw temples and twits that changed color and that changed him.  He felt at home in Asia.  

Back home on a tragedy of his house going on fire he moved from an apartment to a single room. 
He has no car, bicycle and neither a TV.  He feels when he wakes up the day expands to him and like time has come to be like a cathedral but when he was working earlier in life he had so much to do but had no time off to discover himself.  He now lives in a rented place and had to lose his material possessions in order not to lose himself.

He needed a few things in life.  In NY he felt he was missing a lot but while in Japan he did not feel like he was missing a lot of material things.

People sometimes lose everything either through divorce, disaster or poverty and do not seem to pull up against it and see the moon.  After his house went on fire, his attitude was not of destructiveness, but he thought... “If he had five minutes he would not have been alive.  He felt deliberated from another thing, following which for seven years he wrote notes instead of using a pc, since he lost most of his possessions.  He thought of what was essential in life than what he had.  Think what is more essential in life than what you have? 

When his house burned out he thought “Is that what he was calling for when in Japan when he was enjoying life without having possessions?   Be careful what you ask for as the god’s may give it to you. Don’t ask or else you get it.

He realized after the fire there was very little that he needed in everyday life e.g. toothbrush.  Most important things is what you can do without. 

We spend time wanting to take trips but the only trip is to nowhere.     (It’s in your backyard).  He wanted to live this world knowing he had lived.

If you take a trip, you spend time going through photos etc for memories as if it gives you the raw material and the meaning of what you collect.  

Life is how we respond to experiences that matters.  What do we make of it even when travelling?   In difficult circumstances what is important is what do we make out of such experiences.

-          -Turn off the radio and other noises interfering with your personal vibration
-          -And choose what enters into your space
-          -We get interrupted every 15 minutes.  But stillness gives you sanity and you can come back to life with kindness.

-          Luxury is when you collect yourself, stillness and get perspective into your life.

He tries not to watch TV, and turns off all the lights and radio in car, music in order to clear the space in ones minds.  It is fresher and he sleeps better.   The more you try to keep up with the latest news the more you are interrupted.

We are bombarded with information all the time and to keep away from it.

Stillness is about listening and you hearing voice wiser than yourself (may be God or self) it makes us realize how small we are and are not filling our minds with chatter.  It is deliberating and one lets what comes into them instead of things spinning into your mind.

Sit still and let your mind relax and the thought that come in are more invigorating than the ones you seek out.

One needs to be attentive, it is a luxury.  Why do we lack patience? 

We are living at the speed of light like machines but we have to take measures to slow down e.g. meditate etc to keep ourselves in balance.

How to stay still:

Stillness is available at every moment.

Close your eyes for 20 minutes and stay still, to gather yourself.  It is a tool everyone is carrying at any moment. Give yourself moments of silence to centre yourself in the day. 

How can we incorporate this into our lives by trying to take 20 minutes at the beginning of the day quietly?  Start with five minutes e.g. in the shower use it to think about what you are going to do and bring in something positive.

As you age go to the health club or take 30 minutes and take in some time of silence.  If you can take care of your body in the gym why not take care of your spirit, which is more important for your welfare.   Don’t be crazy all the time.  Anywhere you are, just lie and relax instead of getting angry of jam or line at doctors etc just lie and go deeper (that’s an opportunity)
Solitude is a means to be able to share the better self of you with others.  

Another practice of stillness:
-Walking in nature wakes you up and you see the wonders of the world and know there is much more out there that is bigger than yourself.

He stretches, meditates for 20 minutes every morning - is his morning ritual.

Unwinds through yoga

Advise to younger self – 

He is happier than when he was racing about.  He takes off his watch to stop considering time.  Take a little bit of time to gather yourself to infuse everything better that you touch.  Solitude is a means to infuse the rest of the world.

You don’t need to go far beyond your backyard to stay still. It can just be here (your backyard) and save a lot of vacation money.

Nothing is exhilarating than being slow.  Nothing is more urgent than sitting still.  We are most happy when we forget time.  E.g. if you don’t have time you don’t have kindness and the chance to help others out e.g. one who helps a poor in the world is coz they have time and hence gives out more.

The world’s worst wound is not being understood.  

Pain is when we are not understood.  We have a common thread all humans; we ALL NEED TO BE VALIDATED.  SEEN, HEARD AND KNOW THAT WE MATTER.  I.e. to be understood.  

When are we happiest?

We stay in the light by forgetting ourselves.  Most times we are absorbed in the conversation and that is when we are happiest.  Sometimes we don’t see co z of the busy agenda of the day.
What is the purpose of human experience?

Purpose of life is to look after each other and realize there is a bigger sense than us.  We are a part of a large network which gives us humility.  Religion doesn’t answer all our questions but reminds us we are not the centre of the world.

Spiritually is the candle in us, the light in us we connect.  Religion is meeting other where each brings in their own light.   We need to bring in the light in us to be able to form a full circle of light.
He thinks God is reality.  

The lesson he took the longest to learn is “slow down” – the slower he is the happier he is.  We are looking for real life out there but it is all around us.  WE are all looking for the real and it in us but have to take a conscious measure to see it.

Is this real life or is there something better.  Yes there is a better life and it is better to be directed in that direction than the current direction.

Stillness is about listening.

source:, live streamed 8 March 2015


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