Is there an area in your life you would like to develop, improve or enhance. Then you are at the right place. Our vision is bring out the best in you (for contentment, self actualisation and live a fulfilled life). We do this through personal development, self awareness programmes, counselling, training, lifeskills coaching, chats, group facilitation and Industrial/organisational consultancy by professionals. (A HOLISTIC APPROACH)
Find your lives purpose - Awakening your consciousness -by Eckhart Tolle on OWN
"Transcript for our group for those not able to live stream" - unedited version (to be updated soon)
"The only moment that matters is NOW". - Live stream - 26 May 2014
Watch the video:
This video is available for one week after date of live stream.
Themes : OF ALL THE WORK - how to bring conscousness in our life.
We are far greater than anything.
Each night you return to the manifested self and come back int the morning.
The awakening and the return moment - you start with outward movement going into adolescence, get experinces, possessions, fear, expand. it varies from person to person.
Then when body is not strong, eg people begin to die in your life, another movement comes into point. The firmst moment is called the disolutional form.
We dont like talking about the last moment. We fear the old age and try everying to look younger.
This is the time the spiritual moment arrives, when things become shaky, spiritual moments comes to mind. You consciously go back to spirituality. Shaky... you go back to the source of where you come from - within. The outging and the return. We are more interested in accumulating, being successful and know little about the returning movement. It is the awakening of the spirit, illuminiscent people become. Old age is the acceptance, can be of this moment.
"Transcript for our group for those not able to live stream" - unedited version (to be updated soon)
"The only moment that matters is NOW". - Live stream - 26 May 2014
Watch the video:
This video is available for one week after date of live stream.
Themes : OF ALL THE WORK - how to bring conscousness in our life.
We are far greater than anything.
Each night you return to the manifested self and come back int the morning.
The awakening and the return moment - you start with outward movement going into adolescence, get experinces, possessions, fear, expand. it varies from person to person.
Then when body is not strong, eg people begin to die in your life, another movement comes into point. The firmst moment is called the disolutional form.
We dont like talking about the last moment. We fear the old age and try everying to look younger.
This is the time the spiritual moment arrives, when things become shaky, spiritual moments comes to mind. You consciously go back to spirituality. Shaky... you go back to the source of where you come from - within. The outging and the return. We are more interested in accumulating, being successful and know little about the returning movement. It is the awakening of the spirit, illuminiscent people become. Old age is the acceptance, can be of this moment.
Finding your life purpose - Final Episode - Chapter 10 of A New Earth by Echkart Tolle.
Finding your lives purpose - Final Episode - Chapter 10 of A New Earth by Echkart Tolle. - live stream recording on OWN.
Life skill 2
Unless you are are having acceptance, enjoying or having enthusiasm, you should stop what you are doing as you are not aligned with the present moment, with yourself and life. You make yourself unhappy and others get unhappy as well, its like a disease spreading.
Alignment of your inner purpose should align with the outer purpose. Acceptance, enjoyment and enthuthism are the keyy. If not in this state look closely and you wil lfind
Whne doing something, observe peole and see how they are in disharmonty as they are not in acceptance, enjoment or enthuthism of what they are doing. You may not enjoy, but accept eg changing a tyre, do without resistance, those that you dont like. if like you dot like your boss, thing of how you can chnge that. accept the present moment. ask am i able to accept this... annoyed, exhasute... change your attitutde, frequency or you will affect everything else you do. shift your attitude, and accept the wrog you have made instead of blamig other. and then you affect everyoe else. Success depends on what energy flows. change if not enjoying, change your mood , accept or stop doing it. remove yourself , dont bring negative energy to this world.
somethings are eassier to do in enjoyment - things you liek doing, it flows, it is the begining of creativity. and it manifests joy. people are trappend waiting fo rsomething to come to life to give them joy and sence of life, find it in what you are doing tht you enjoy.
p298 - joy flow into what you do not from wht you do. people are frustrated as dont enjoy what they do. it shojld be from the lifeness of what they are dong.
Enthuthiasim - energy biger than you are, creative comes into the world. it is apowerful frequency, connected with th source. it is not the wild, it is the one born with consciousnciess, not lek going to a swing, thats excitement used as substitue of being by mandy. body looks for this one. eg from media, film etc the
acceptance - shifts into enjoument and also into enthuthiasm. if you realise you resent someting accept and you gthen begin to enjou wht you do.
if you are 100% present, you start enjoying wht you are doing.
If you thing something elso ont in the presence will bring you power it will not.
whatever goal you have, or vision, must comen from the place of being conscousness nad not , then it comes through you and into the world instead of this is wht i want for myself.
you have to feel frominsdee this is what i was menat to be doing, it brings fruition
it is how you do that matters. you nee dto honor wht you are doing now comjpleteley as osmething might arise from . each step can lead you to the direction. it is the means not the end that matters.
Question on other peoples anger -
Anger - acceptance this is how it is and this is what is, dont argue with it, doesnt mean you condone, it is accptance of what is, then you see, it is bad, you get into compassion and see these peole are unconscious and dont know what they are doing. they re suffering and inflicting onother humand, on nature, onform its manifestation of spritiual unconscouslness, ego. have compassion for those controlled by ego and acting unconscously.
you begin to change the world by changing yourslef. we are bringing a new energy in the world. if everyone did so it would be deminsed. we hace to do what we have to do. you get overwheldmed byafrican problems and you focus on what you can have an impact on as well as you can.
If you come across the pain body you still have to go back and work on it. crisis etc, dont wait, choose presence in your daily life. check what is yr relatinsip with this moemnt. is it freindly or dysfucntional it tells you everyigng. if riendly acceptig it will manifest that if dysfunctiona the future will manifest that.
Challenges happens, but no need to translate and dwelling onthem mentally if you cant change them. worry is problem making. bring conscousness to your life. you bring in and allow the spirit of God to floow thrugh you. not the litle me you are connectingyourself with the superior higher source.
Great great conversation. please escuse the errors, tired now i hae to get into the moment and rest, correctons tomorrow.... Share the lifeskills you have learned from this conversation, here or on www.facebook.com/ behavourmodification or www.facebook.com/behavourcoach or on www.counsellingservicesinkenya .blogspot.com.
Find full episodes from tommorow on www.counsellingservicesinkenya .blogspot.com
All courtesy of Eckhart Tolle author of A New Earth on OWN networks.
Life skill 2
Unless you are are having acceptance, enjoying or having enthusiasm, you should stop what you are doing as you are not aligned with the present moment, with yourself and life. You make yourself unhappy and others get unhappy as well, its like a disease spreading.
Alignment of your inner purpose should align with the outer purpose. Acceptance, enjoyment and enthuthism are the keyy. If not in this state look closely and you wil lfind
Whne doing something, observe peole and see how they are in disharmonty as they are not in acceptance, enjoment or enthuthism of what they are doing. You may not enjoy, but accept eg changing a tyre, do without resistance, those that you dont like. if like you dot like your boss, thing of how you can chnge that. accept the present moment. ask am i able to accept this... annoyed, exhasute... change your attitutde, frequency or you will affect everything else you do. shift your attitude, and accept the wrog you have made instead of blamig other. and then you affect everyoe else. Success depends on what energy flows. change if not enjoying, change your mood , accept or stop doing it. remove yourself , dont bring negative energy to this world.
somethings are eassier to do in enjoyment - things you liek doing, it flows, it is the begining of creativity. and it manifests joy. people are trappend waiting fo rsomething to come to life to give them joy and sence of life, find it in what you are doing tht you enjoy.
p298 - joy flow into what you do not from wht you do. people are frustrated as dont enjoy what they do. it shojld be from the lifeness of what they are dong.
Enthuthiasim - energy biger than you are, creative comes into the world. it is apowerful frequency, connected with th source. it is not the wild, it is the one born with consciousnciess, not lek going to a swing, thats excitement used as substitue of being by mandy. body looks for this one. eg from media, film etc the
acceptance - shifts into enjoument and also into enthuthiasm. if you realise you resent someting accept and you gthen begin to enjou wht you do.
if you are 100% present, you start enjoying wht you are doing.
If you thing something elso ont in the presence will bring you power it will not.
whatever goal you have, or vision, must comen from the place of being conscousness nad not , then it comes through you and into the world instead of this is wht i want for myself.
you have to feel frominsdee this is what i was menat to be doing, it brings fruition
it is how you do that matters. you nee dto honor wht you are doing now comjpleteley as osmething might arise from . each step can lead you to the direction. it is the means not the end that matters.
Question on other peoples anger -
Anger - acceptance this is how it is and this is what is, dont argue with it, doesnt mean you condone, it is accptance of what is, then you see, it is bad, you get into compassion and see these peole are unconscious and dont know what they are doing. they re suffering and inflicting onother humand, on nature, onform its manifestation of spritiual unconscouslness, ego. have compassion for those controlled by ego and acting unconscously.
you begin to change the world by changing yourslef. we are bringing a new energy in the world. if everyone did so it would be deminsed. we hace to do what we have to do. you get overwheldmed byafrican problems and you focus on what you can have an impact on as well as you can.
If you come across the pain body you still have to go back and work on it. crisis etc, dont wait, choose presence in your daily life. check what is yr relatinsip with this moemnt. is it freindly or dysfucntional it tells you everyigng. if riendly acceptig it will manifest that if dysfunctiona the future will manifest that.
Challenges happens, but no need to translate and dwelling onthem mentally if you cant change them. worry is problem making. bring conscousness to your life. you bring in and allow the spirit of God to floow thrugh you. not the litle me you are connectingyourself with the superior higher source.
Great great conversation. please escuse the errors, tired now i hae to get into the moment and rest, correctons tomorrow.... Share the lifeskills you have learned from this conversation, here or on www.facebook.com/
Find full episodes from tommorow on www.counsellingservicesinkenya
All courtesy of Eckhart Tolle author of A New Earth on OWN networks.
The live stream recording on Happiness begins now.. with Shawn Achor starts now. i.e 6pm Kenya time, Sunday time, 25 May 2014
Watch the Video on " Happiness" - Available for only one week.
We all have the power to be Happy.
The big question?
We are never taught how to find deep happiness. People can change thier mind set and have a different life than what they are genetically made to be.
Definition of Happiness - before you find happiness you have to be able to define it.
People are always looking for happiness but dont know how to define it.
Is the joy we feel in the up and down of life, happiness?. Happiness is not pleasure and this makes us pursue pleasure wrongly. Pleasure is feeling good for a short moment. Pleasure is short lived. eg you each chocolate and ar happy but short later you are unhappy.
People respond to happiness diferently in different cultrues but triggers for happiness are similar worldwide.
A strong sence of community brings happiness. People with nothing are joyous even in poverty. 90% of happiness is based on how our brain processes everything in the world. it is not forced by external world eg childhood or experiences, it can be a choice.
What you do matters more than the end, you may be successful but not experience happiness. People are dying of diseases and yet are not getting happier. We should in this generation be getting happier. We are chasing happiness in the wrong way. External world is great but many of us are chasing happiness in the wrong way. External world is great but there is something more of the perception and connection we make. When you are still with yourself, and when you are not there and are yearning, day to day grind, there is more to life than that.
Peole are hungry for meaning and to rise their happiness levels. Opposite of happiness is not unhappiness it is apathy. Unhappiness tell you what you need to change. People think if they work hard they will be happy. That model is now broken for 2 reason. Happiness is not a moving target and All this we acauire makes us think we will be happy, ie. if you do this and that you will be happy, we tell our kids and others, if you get that house you will be happy etc. but is is not.
Things change and grow. Your happiness level does not move as your success does. Success is not hapinness, but happiness makes you more successful. High IQ, does not make the best people for the job so it has been realised. Success is a moving target so you cant rely on it for happiness.
Positive psychology, study say that top optimistic salesmen sold better. Intelligence counts for 25% of our job success. 75 % of what causes success is how we process the world, OPTIMISM, and Social connection determines how long we live, as blood pressure, etc. Tv social media use is disconnecting people and we are becoming less happy.
We are chasing happiness in the wrong way. External world is great but there is something more of the perceptin and connection. When you are still with yourself, and when you are not there id yearning than the day to day grind. there is more.
Tech. if we use it the right way can bring happiness.
Technology if we use it the right way can bring happiness depends on how you use it.
Coming up is your glass half full or half empty...
Watch the Video on " Happiness" - Available for only one week.
We all have the power to be Happy.
The big question?
We are never taught how to find deep happiness. People can change thier mind set and have a different life than what they are genetically made to be.
Definition of Happiness - before you find happiness you have to be able to define it.
People are always looking for happiness but dont know how to define it.
Is the joy we feel in the up and down of life, happiness?. Happiness is not pleasure and this makes us pursue pleasure wrongly. Pleasure is feeling good for a short moment. Pleasure is short lived. eg you each chocolate and ar happy but short later you are unhappy.
Joy we feel outward. We mistake happiness with pleasure and does not reach its peak when we reach a certain potential. Pleasure comes and goes but doesnt last. Joy is something you feel on your way to your potential. eg as a parent feels.People respond to happiness diferently in different cultrues but triggers for happiness are similar worldwide.
A strong sence of community brings happiness. People with nothing are joyous even in poverty. 90% of happiness is based on how our brain processes everything in the world. it is not forced by external world eg childhood or experiences, it can be a choice.
What you do matters more than the end, you may be successful but not experience happiness. People are dying of diseases and yet are not getting happier. We should in this generation be getting happier. We are chasing happiness in the wrong way. External world is great but many of us are chasing happiness in the wrong way. External world is great but there is something more of the perception and connection we make. When you are still with yourself, and when you are not there and are yearning, day to day grind, there is more to life than that.
Peole are hungry for meaning and to rise their happiness levels. Opposite of happiness is not unhappiness it is apathy. Unhappiness tell you what you need to change. People think if they work hard they will be happy. That model is now broken for 2 reason. Happiness is not a moving target and All this we acauire makes us think we will be happy, ie. if you do this and that you will be happy, we tell our kids and others, if you get that house you will be happy etc. but is is not.
Things change and grow. Your happiness level does not move as your success does. Success is not hapinness, but happiness makes you more successful. High IQ, does not make the best people for the job so it has been realised. Success is a moving target so you cant rely on it for happiness.
Positive psychology, study say that top optimistic salesmen sold better. Intelligence counts for 25% of our job success. 75 % of what causes success is how we process the world, OPTIMISM, and Social connection determines how long we live, as blood pressure, etc. Tv social media use is disconnecting people and we are becoming less happy.
We are chasing happiness in the wrong way. External world is great but there is something more of the perceptin and connection. When you are still with yourself, and when you are not there id yearning than the day to day grind. there is more.
Tech. if we use it the right way can bring happiness.
Technology if we use it the right way can bring happiness depends on how you use it.
Coming up is your glass half full or half empty...
Part 2
Are you OPTIMISTIC by nature or nurture?
Happiness is a choice and practice. As we build muscles we should practice that way.
Some people are naturally happy others not but you can change your baseline. This is how i was born, but if you choose to do simple things eg being grateful, you find the choice for happiness comes through. Being aware of the pains of the world makes us compassionate.
Does it matter if your glass is half or full?
It doesnt matter, coz wer are so focused o the glass - optimist, pessimistics. Positive psychology, teaches you can fill that glass eg. How do i connect to other people around me etc.. Look and scan the world in a different way and fill in the glass.
Happinesss and contentment are related. We want to feel that joy rather than resilience so that it flows to others.
Positive psychology; you can be happy after this show...
Five things to make you happy:
Happiness and contentment are related. You can eliminate the negative in your life but still not be happy.
Five things to make you happy:
Happiness and contentment are related. You can eliminate the negative in your life but still not be happy.
There is happiness hygiene: things to do to be happy.
are: create a positive change in life. like we brush teeth daily for
good health, positive pscy; you can write to your genes by a 2 minute
habit a day. powerful.. a simple SMILE changes your brain chemistry,
say HELLO to people, makes a difference in people and in your life.
2. For 2 minute - wake up and practice 3 things you are grateful for, new things, be optimistic, for 21 days. (optimism practising). You increase your optimism, however pessimistic you are. It changes your genes.
Gratiditue changes your vibration for the world, changes what you draw to yourself, you construct the world on the facts you have. HAPPINESS HABITS.
One other thing one meaniful thing happended to you and write eery detail you can rembmer. helps your mind to recall and makes a trajacory in your life
3.Say THANK you to someone, every day. write 2 min email and thank and praise a person you know, for 21 days, it makes you happy, the reason you grow more social connections, and get social support that helps your health. One positive email, call, face to face the better even.
4.Exercise 15 minutes changes your brain chemistry, eg. cardioactivity creates optimism.
5. Meditation - the more you spend in stillness, or silence with yourself you get expential experience with yourself, and the more the more the benefits. Meditate more if you can. For 2 minutes watch you breadth go in and out, your happiness level improves and it creates a chain reaction to other people..
These five habits creates a + ripple effect to other people.
Conclusions: happiness can be a choice, it makes other people happy and it is in abundance.
Happiness is a choice, its in abundance and you make a better place for other people as well.
"The key to your happiness is not in anyone else's hands it is in yours"
Todays live streams recording from - Supersoul Sunday Topics: Happiness, Parenting and Finding your lives purpose - courtesy OWN.
Scripts from live stream on supersoul sunday coming soon in 1 hrs time. watch this space! - Live recording (escuse erros....)
Music is therapeutic - Listen to RITA ORA - I Will Never Let You Down and sooth your soul...
Share your feelings after listening to the song. You can also share your feelings on the facebook forum on the following link: Life Skills
Lifeskills on "Finding your purpose".
Chapter 9 - "A New earth" - by Eckhart Tolle .
Streamed live on 18 May 2014..discussion. by Eckhart Tolle and Oprah ...captured below......
A-New-Earth-Class-9-Full-Episode-Video link
For text:
How to discover our inner purpose - Awakening to your lifes purpose.
"Ones you know your purpose and align it to your life you find harmony"
page 257 - some believe life is passing them by, consumed by stress, frustrated by lack and some by prospertity.
many people are in a state of lost permanent disatisfaction. unfortunately. they ae looking for purpose or given up hope and are surviving. so usually the purpose, pp think it is the guture where going, goal. that is the outer purpose, they overlook findig the inner purposel.
which is aligning life with the present moment. hence no longer in misalighned with the present moemtn. Go beyond disatisfaction, byt cannot be thorugh goal setting, it has to be by becoming one internally in the present moment. it is the alignment with wht you are doing even if doesnt look like the 30 year purpse. it is being true to this moment.
There is only this one little step. what you encounter o the destination depends on what you take on the first step.
when you do your best, that is well received.
life is the now. pay bills but dont have to worry about paying your bills. release the thought. put problems aside...
p 257. Destination is the secondary. pp live like destination is what matters. success - you spend energy polution earth, affecting others, etc. it is a future event. the means is imorntat and sd contribute to happiness. You determine what kind of future you will experience by alighning with the present moment. you decide what is manifested in the guture.
your innner purpose is thebasis for true success. struggle, determination etc has no joy and you enter into suffering. fighting and making and fighting against life. it is like swimming upstream going against the flow of your life. if suffering in pain , worried, its caus you are going against the inner purpose. inner purpose everything flows.
Life skills 2: - "A New Earth" - Chapter 9
Q - fear of insecurity and uncertainity
How can you be comfortable without knowing? these thoughts that tell you it is not ok right now. they are conditioned by culture and dont need to believe in these thoughts. life is an adventure, as we are faced with uncertainity and accept it to enjoy the venture. life is a journery, adventure and fi everything was mapped up there would be no evolution. That is why you are figuring out your purpose. Make mistakes and means that is not my purpose and it directs you to your purpose.
Eg jobs you hate, it means your displeasure is telling you to get out. if you identify you do not want to do this...it is helpful. you realise that is not your path. do what you feel is right to do. it is ok to be as ease when not knowing. You then open possibilities in your life and fear is not a factor in what you do and hence does not stop you from doing anyting. if you are afraid you cannot let the energy come into your life.
Be alert and watch your thoughts. The mind wants to know what the future is going to be. When you are still you are not afraid of the uncertainity. Pay attention to your life so when the opening shows you are ready.
Q - fear of insecurity and uncertainity
How can you be comfortable without knowing? these thoughts that tell you it is not ok right now. they are conditioned by culture and dont need to believe in these thoughts. life is an adventure, as we are faced with uncertainity and accept it to enjoy the venture. life is a journery, adventure and fi everything was mapped up there would be no evolution. That is why you are figuring out your purpose. Make mistakes and means that is not my purpose and it directs you to your purpose.
Eg jobs you hate, it means your displeasure is telling you to get out. if you identify you do not want to do this...it is helpful. you realise that is not your path. do what you feel is right to do. it is ok to be as ease when not knowing. You then open possibilities in your life and fear is not a factor in what you do and hence does not stop you from doing anyting. if you are afraid you cannot let the energy come into your life.
Be alert and watch your thoughts. The mind wants to know what the future is going to be. When you are still you are not afraid of the uncertainity. Pay attention to your life so when the opening shows you are ready.
Lifeskill 3: -
From excerpts of: "A new Earth" - Chapter 9 - by Eckhart Tolle. live stream discussion...
The most significant thing has happened it is the awakening - you separate your thoughts, thinking with your awareness , but now, you find it is, being ...
Q - God is love.
Love is used in loose sence and has many meanings. it is used casually. obsession is also called love. when you love, you are aligned completely, and bring uncondtional consciousness in wht you are doing or being. It is sacrate. It is sensed if you are present enough. if you love wht you are doing then you are creatign the universe. p261.
when doing in consciousness it is through the essence in the doing and ot the goal tht matters. is is a means in the end? if it is wht you are doing, well fine but not in the end.
if caring for kids brings meaning to your life, what happens when they dont?
connect these things to your inner purpse to bring meaning to what you do.
Life skill 4
continued... " A new Earth - chapter 9 by Eckhart Tolle. Live sream discussion today..
Q - Apologising - We expect to hear this when wronged.
Its the ego that requires the apology. It keeps accounts, you owe me an apology. it is an oppor to be aware of the ego in you. "there is the ego... "the thoughts of the ego. he shd apologise.. observe these thoughts and emotions. Observe it in action. then when awre of the thought pattern recognise it and you are awre and dimish its power. pp dont apologise as they dont know or they interpret diferent and think you are the one who should apologise. Your ego is feeling superiour, you can keep the resentment for a while, it is the ego hanging onto resentment and if fo rlong they become grieviances, long term resentments. observe the egos in you. Be happy if you are able to observe then if theri ego prevents them from apologising it thinks they will be loosing something. see your own ego and bring awareness and hence awareness grows.
Life skill 5
continued... " A new Earth - chapter 9 by Eckhart Tolle. Live stream discussion today..
Awakening - The spirits begining to be in the human form by being in awareness. "as above so below..". what happens here in humans will become universal. what happens in the microcosmo of earth will happen in the macrocosmos of earth. There is energy where we came from eg God, devine, conscousness. When you tap into it, presence, inner puprpose, that is connected to the source of all unversal power and energy. if you tap to that part of you, your aims and inentions will be one with all universal energy is sriving for and it is for you to allow consciousness to come through you to the unverse. That is why you are here. to allow all that is connected to you , i.e the source of God.
Can you be 52 and be lost so what do you do? (i.e you are not awakened)
Awakening is realising your inner purpose. If you cannot surrend to it bring acceptanc to wht you are doing now and be ok and you will be in a stae of clarity and are not in state of unhappiness. let go the resistance. are you willilg are are you truely incapable to acdepting the moment.
You may have been resisting for many years, when consciousness flows, and are not resisting, change comes into your life.
The great arises from small things. honour small things for the moment instead of embracing the great idea of something. this moment, this step is what matters. its the small things, small moments then greater things arises. be true to this moment and bring the state of presence, conscousness to the mometn and be filled from deeper level than sallow level.
continued... " A new Earth - chapter 9 by Eckhart Tolle. Live stream discussion today..
Awakening - The spirits begining to be in the human form by being in awareness. "as above so below..". what happens here in humans will become universal. what happens in the microcosmo of earth will happen in the macrocosmos of earth. There is energy where we came from eg God, devine, conscousness. When you tap into it, presence, inner puprpose, that is connected to the source of all unversal power and energy. if you tap to that part of you, your aims and inentions will be one with all universal energy is sriving for and it is for you to allow consciousness to come through you to the unverse. That is why you are here. to allow all that is connected to you , i.e the source of God.
Can you be 52 and be lost so what do you do? (i.e you are not awakened)
Awakening is realising your inner purpose. If you cannot surrend to it bring acceptanc to wht you are doing now and be ok and you will be in a stae of clarity and are not in state of unhappiness. let go the resistance. are you willilg are are you truely incapable to acdepting the moment.
You may have been resisting for many years, when consciousness flows, and are not resisting, change comes into your life.
The great arises from small things. honour small things for the moment instead of embracing the great idea of something. this moment, this step is what matters. its the small things, small moments then greater things arises. be true to this moment and bring the state of presence, conscousness to the mometn and be filled from deeper level than sallow level.
Next week the final Chapter 10. Join us.... and share the life skills....
Conscious Parenting by Dr Shefali - Live stream discussion - Lifeskills
Lifeskills on "Conscious parenting" by Dr Shefali. She works with families around the world and says the time to awaken is now...We need to see our childlren as equals.
A conscious parent understands the child has been called to show the parent where they have to grow. " bringing consciousness", awareness and spirituality.
The relationship call you to the trigger of your ego. " I will be the best mother, father..." they show us a mirror of ourselves.
As a parent you realise you are parenting a spirit in its own miniture. We want them to represent the best of our selves.
the self we havent even become. that we havent fulfiled and put the burden on them. eg see me the way i have never been seen. We project that which we hope for ourselves. As we have been trained in the past.
We come from a state to scarcity and put into our children and it divorces them from their own becoming.
Parenting is a challenging task. It is the being and the doing. (multifacated) but you realise, you have to become into the being which the two colide.
It is no surprise we fail to tune into our childrens essence. as we barely listen to ourselves. We betra our inner selves. We believe we re incomplete and pass this legacy to our childrlen.
Lifeskills 2: on "Are parents, parenting unconsciously?" -live stream -Own interview with Dr Shefali, today.
"traditionally parents have been governing from top to down" and we think it is a hierachy. is there note
this is where the ego and become intermiggled. yes we are incontrol to protect but to get to their essence we have to drop the hierachy. Drop the superiority, by not hiding behind the ego we are able to reach them. Who them is in charge? Old paradiam. false believe this is. we continue to see the dysfunction. Most parents are parenting unconsciously. But we are all strivign to reach consciousness. with every argument you have an opportunity to step into your ego and control your dominance or look within and ask wht is being trigger inme. what about me is the child triggering now, how about my childhood is being triggered. All relationships to this. We have a duty then to look at our issues and free our chldren form the burden of fixing us.
Out of control kids - this approach is a hands on constant approach beign in full attunement of your parenthood. so you are not fixing controoking you are alighing to atune and not project your inadequacies to the child.
You create the condition for the child to thrive not to control them. Errors kids do you understand what you are being told beyond the surface, you dont see it as ego or as making you look bad ie see what you have done. as we are projecting what we want others to see us as
Lifeskill 3 : on "Straight A's". continued...
We need to redefine success... We shd not emphasise on grading, if we do they loose the magic of the process. It is the process we care about. Schools are based on who gets the grades. schools have become a competiion. shchools puts presures but it is our energy we need to think do we need to go on with this. and tell them that they can be successfu if they are atuned to thier self being..
She uses the grades as markers of what the teacher wanted and it could be caused by many things, failure of being in the moment. Ask did you do your best then if hey showed up to their best consciousness, then that is sufficient, as no more..
If a child is not attuned to their consciousness,
we bit kids down to perfection, valid as learners, as we make them hate the process of learning. Ask parents what is your goal for the child. i want them to be happy parents say..
wehn we put success as riches, high status etc when those pillars fall one is not happy anymore.
mistakes of parents.
they put attention to electronics devices in kids. enter the kids space. we are exhausted and are involved in ego agendas. we stop entering the moment. they manifest that betrayal and engage in other things to fill that space.
Are we to blame of the kids behavour. it is no ones faults eg drugs, see it as a call to entere the deep self and see what we missed on the way where the child called for help.
We expect our kids to live our dreams:
Her ego - her kid tells her you will not enter my space. she surrenders and honors as she knows herself better. help kids rise.
Lifeskill 5: How do we practice..."conscious parenting" (live...errors to be corrected later....)
We like fixing, it is a call to enter our inner self. we are scared to entere our inner self. How then do we meet the inner side of our children when we are scared of our own?
Labelled - black sheet - sensitive child - obsorbs the negative energy of the family.
they send he message i will keep falling apart. parents believe they have a bad child - i have a bad one they believe that than see it is a problem in them. every manifestation is of where we need to grow.
We cannot expect our kids to grow spiritually than we are willing to ourselves. I wish my child was great in something, but are you.
work on it yourselves first.
its in the morning brushing their teeth thes emoments are the ones that call for connection. instead we take themto school and notice anything.
parent-child is a connection of spirits. if you look at a child essesnse as a bittging of spirti, that is unique,
Watch the video: courtesy - OWN Networks
A conscious parent understands the child has been called to show the parent where they have to grow. " bringing consciousness", awareness and spirituality.
The relationship call you to the trigger of your ego. " I will be the best mother, father..." they show us a mirror of ourselves.
As a parent you realise you are parenting a spirit in its own miniture. We want them to represent the best of our selves.
the self we havent even become. that we havent fulfiled and put the burden on them. eg see me the way i have never been seen. We project that which we hope for ourselves. As we have been trained in the past.
We come from a state to scarcity and put into our children and it divorces them from their own becoming.
Parenting is a challenging task. It is the being and the doing. (multifacated) but you realise, you have to become into the being which the two colide.
It is no surprise we fail to tune into our childrens essence. as we barely listen to ourselves. We betra our inner selves. We believe we re incomplete and pass this legacy to our childrlen.
Lifeskills 2: on "Are parents, parenting unconsciously?" -live stream -Own interview with Dr Shefali, today.
"traditionally parents have been governing from top to down" and we think it is a hierachy. is there note
this is where the ego and become intermiggled. yes we are incontrol to protect but to get to their essence we have to drop the hierachy. Drop the superiority, by not hiding behind the ego we are able to reach them. Who them is in charge? Old paradiam. false believe this is. we continue to see the dysfunction. Most parents are parenting unconsciously. But we are all strivign to reach consciousness. with every argument you have an opportunity to step into your ego and control your dominance or look within and ask wht is being trigger inme. what about me is the child triggering now, how about my childhood is being triggered. All relationships to this. We have a duty then to look at our issues and free our chldren form the burden of fixing us.
Out of control kids - this approach is a hands on constant approach beign in full attunement of your parenthood. so you are not fixing controoking you are alighing to atune and not project your inadequacies to the child.
You create the condition for the child to thrive not to control them. Errors kids do you understand what you are being told beyond the surface, you dont see it as ego or as making you look bad ie see what you have done. as we are projecting what we want others to see us as
Lifeskill 3 : on "Straight A's". continued...
We need to redefine success... We shd not emphasise on grading, if we do they loose the magic of the process. It is the process we care about. Schools are based on who gets the grades. schools have become a competiion. shchools puts presures but it is our energy we need to think do we need to go on with this. and tell them that they can be successfu if they are atuned to thier self being..
She uses the grades as markers of what the teacher wanted and it could be caused by many things, failure of being in the moment. Ask did you do your best then if hey showed up to their best consciousness, then that is sufficient, as no more..
If a child is not attuned to their consciousness,
we bit kids down to perfection, valid as learners, as we make them hate the process of learning. Ask parents what is your goal for the child. i want them to be happy parents say..
wehn we put success as riches, high status etc when those pillars fall one is not happy anymore.
mistakes of parents.
they put attention to electronics devices in kids. enter the kids space. we are exhausted and are involved in ego agendas. we stop entering the moment. they manifest that betrayal and engage in other things to fill that space.
Are we to blame of the kids behavour. it is no ones faults eg drugs, see it as a call to entere the deep self and see what we missed on the way where the child called for help.
We expect our kids to live our dreams:
Her ego - her kid tells her you will not enter my space. she surrenders and honors as she knows herself better. help kids rise.
Lifeskill 5: How do we practice..."conscious parenting" (live...errors to be corrected later....)
We like fixing, it is a call to enter our inner self. we are scared to entere our inner self. How then do we meet the inner side of our children when we are scared of our own?
Labelled - black sheet - sensitive child - obsorbs the negative energy of the family.
they send he message i will keep falling apart. parents believe they have a bad child - i have a bad one they believe that than see it is a problem in them. every manifestation is of where we need to grow.
We cannot expect our kids to grow spiritually than we are willing to ourselves. I wish my child was great in something, but are you.
work on it yourselves first.
its in the morning brushing their teeth thes emoments are the ones that call for connection. instead we take themto school and notice anything.
parent-child is a connection of spirits. if you look at a child essesnse as a bittging of spirti, that is unique,
Watch the video: courtesy - OWN Networks
Free meditation by Oprah and Deepak
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Stress and Stress Management
What is stress?
Definition 1
Stress is the individuals
perception that demand is greater than the ability to cope.
where perception is:- how you receive and understand information
- your imagination, your views and
- how you interpret, and think
Definition 2
Stress can also be defined as the balance between how
we view demands (that we face) and how we think we can cope with those demand. It determine
whether we feel no stress, distressed or eustressed (motivational - good stress).
In other words, it is a mismatch between perceived
demands and perceived ability to cope.
Definition 3
The third definition of Stress may be defined as
"a state of psychological and / or physiological (physical) imbalance resulting from
the disparity between a situational demand and the individuals ability and / or
motivation to meet those demands." Meaning the cause here could be many causes, both psychological and physical. (combined causes psycho-somatisation).
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What can save a marriage from going downhill without any hope of coming back up again is mercy, understood in the biblical sense, that is, not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with “compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience” (Col 3:12). Mercy adds agape to eros, it adds the love that gives of oneself and has compassion to the love of need and desire. God “takes pity” on human beings (see Ps 102:13). Shouldn’t a husband and wife, then, take pity on each other? And those of us who live in community, shouldn’t we take pity on one another instead of judging one another?, Homily, Good Friday, St Peters Basillica, 24/3/16
MERCY;Understood in scripture as not just reciprocal forgiveness but spouses acting with compassion, kindness, meekness & patience
"Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Good. Fr . Raniero,
(Pope Francis, Holy Thursday,
24 March 2016)